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July 09, 2005
The White Rabbit Project
The White Rabbit died in a fire late Saturday Night, near his home in Wonderland, a resort community in northwestern Utah
The entire graduating class of Hamline University, 1925, in drawings of varying quality made semi-nightly in about one hour each. Drawings are actual size, and are done in pen and ink and black colored pencil and watercolor. Comments are welcome, and encouraged. Alphabetical errors of order, name-spelling, and affiliation are from the original
Matthias Wandel has many projects: He constructs wooden Marble machines, he builds igloos with a bucket, he explores Bunker tunnels near Quingdao, China, and in general, he likes to work with wood
Some of Douwe Osinga’s projects
Touch me is an interactive installation that allows its users to create and contribute a personal image to the otherwise impersonal public space
When I wake up in the morning I go out and film a one minute observation of the day
The Storker Project
Another Project Foil
By the way, did you know that if you wanted to find the graphics on a certain website, you can simply Google Image search it?
Many More Unusual Projetcs Here
July 9, 2005 in Projects | Permalink
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