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June 25, 2005

Mail Order Sushi

Tempura_sushi_1 Yuko Shimizu painting series "sushi girls, sashimi boys"

Krusty Sushi is the nation's leading company in the production and delivery of Sushi by mail. Krusty Sushi was founded circa 1842*, January 15, at 4:35pm in Brooklyn, NY. It was founded by a jolly but slightly askew fellow named Sir Sam, who believed adamantly that the American public needed the luxury of private delivery raw fish on rice. He was a very smart man, and noticed a trend of laziness and lethargy growing exponentially in the expanding American economy. And indeed he was right, as now even McDonalds delivers, in an era where the fat public is too lazy to get into its SUVs to drive the one mile to its favorite fastfood joint. (Read the testimonials)

Christina’s Birthday Sushi Cake

Tempura sushi

Sushi T.P. Cozy

Weber grilling octopus

Sushi Nutrition Chart

More about the twinkie sushi fad from “Not Martha”

Hello Kitty sushi kit

Robert Parker’s Sushi Spreadsheet

Sushi virgins trying it for the very first time

Many More Unusual Sushi Links Here

June 25, 2005 in Food - Sushi | Permalink


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Yay! you linked to my tempura sushi! Most excellent. I've read to my amazement that they actually do raw horsemeat sushi. Crazy! I think I'll stick to the regular "near east" stuff. Nothing with cream cheese but nothing like horse either! Thanks so much for the link to my website. If you love espresso, you should check out this site I found today! www.espressoporn.com (don't worry it's totally safe for work)....great photography there!


Posted by: Carl (theWAREHOUSE) at Aug 17, 2005 8:13:30 PM