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June 02, 2005
The History of Rock and Roll
Death Valley Moving Rocks. The actual migration of the rocks has never been witnessed by anyone as far as we know. Extreme weather could explain this desert enigma. While the force of gravity easily explains how dozens of rocks - weighing up to 700 pounds - could have fallen from the adjacent hillsides onto the margins of this long-vanished ancient lake, it cannot explain how the rocks have moved far out onto the perfectly flat surface. (Thank you, Michael)
Learn all about the California Condor. Only 215 left. (From Metafilter)
Photograph shows a flower-splashed hillside near Tehachapi, California
Tom Killion's Japanese-style wood block and lino-cut prints of the California landscape. (From the always-unique ”Information Junk”)
Scott Haefner’s kite aerial photography of the Hotel Del Coronado
Wikipedia’s List of songs about California , from the Dead Kennedys to The Eagles
Many More Unusual Stories From California, from Hawaii and from Iowa Here
June 2, 2005 in California | Permalink
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I grew up in LA with some family in the Tehachapi area (Frazier Park)... When the wildflowers would bloom (which was not too often), we'd make the trip up to visit them because the scene was so amazing!
It's the same area that Christo did his "umbrella project"
Posted by: Dustin at Jun 3, 2005 12:15:28 AM
I'm just getting into blogging and came across your blog. Well written!
Posted by: Pasadena CA Real Estate at Sep 9, 2008 8:53:27 PM