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June 08, 2005
What a difference an $8,000 paint job makes
The tear-out Sanitary Chair for messy guests. (From ”Give, Get, Take and Have”)
How to build an exterior Wood Fired Bread/ Pizza Oven
Welcome to the "Luna City Arcade", our home gameroom. The gameroom encompasses two large rooms. The main gameroom has blacklight carpeting and overhead black lighting. The room is divided into two sections, with a total square footage of approximately 500 sq.ft. The main section is 19' x 18', and a railed elevated section measures 22' x 7'. The extended gameroom is about 11' x 26' (286 sq.ft.) and has checkered vinyl flooring and rope lighting. (From ”Think Bacon”)
My new and improved abode. So these are actually two different pictures of my house, with an $8,000 difference between the two
Two-dimensional mosaiculture has its roots in the embroidered flower beds of the 16th and 17th Centuries. Carefully chosen plant species create different motifs, shapes and images. Very neatly trimmed plants are also grown into sculptures. The stringent rules of this art correspond to very precise dimensions, density of the flowers and color selection. (Thank you, Dafna. Sorry about the music)
The Anti-sit campaign in New York City. (From UnBeige: a blog about design)
Large Steel Fire Pit by John T. Unger
My backyard sucks. It's full of weird mutant grasses and weeds, and dirt. Lots of dirt because the shade tree will not allow grass to grow beneath it. Nothing would spruce the place up better than Pirate Fort. (From ”DRT News”)
William Garvey Wooden Sinks. Prices start at $1250
A Japanese ad for a apricot-flavored toilet
Here we go on our magical mystery tour of the David Taylor’s apartment
Karim Rashid’s Abstract Rug Collection
Peter Jackson's $100,000 Ragtime Automated Robot Thing
Many More Unusual Design Concepts Here
June 8, 2005 in Home Decor | Permalink
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