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May 27, 2005
Report to Shareholders
I am pleased to report a banner year for Standing Outside The 14th Street Chase Bank Holding The Door For People Industries... Report to Shareholders
How much will you give me for my $20 bill? Psychologist Max Bazerman says that during the past ten years he has earned more than $17,000 by auctioning $20 bills to his MBA students at Northwestern University. In the course of almost two hundred of his actions, the top two bids never totaled less than $39, and in one instance totaled $407
Related re-post: Bank Notes from all around the world, where you can also purchase money ($US2 bill for $5, and 2003 $US1 bill for $2)
Swiss bank accounts: Myth vs. Reality
How to Make a Million Dollars. Marshall Brain is the founder of "How Stuff Works". This is a presentation he gave at Duke University
Coin towers. (Like the previous Penny towers)
Forbes' Tax Misery Index, their proxy for evaluating whether policy attracts or repels capital and talent
"Freakonomics" blog. A longish "Crooked Timber" discussion of Steven Levitt Work. Correction: Found there, "Marginal Revolution", a blog by Tyler Cowen
Y Combinator is a venture firm specializing in funding early stage startups. Founded by Trevor Blackwell, Paul Graham & others
What to Know Before You Try to Raise Capital. No. 1. Have a final, airtight version of your business plan
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From "The time Ken norton flew on the Enron corporate jet to meet Jeff Skilling": The 2,800 employees of PGE lost almost all of their retirement savings in the Enron collapse. They had invested large portions of their 401(k) plans in PGE, which for years was a boring, dividend-paying utility stock. After the Enron acquisition, the accounts converted to Enron shares. During the downfall, Enron froze employee access to the PGE 401(k) accounts, preventing employees from selling their holdings. They watched their savings become worthless while Enron executives back in Houston dumped a billion dollars of their own shares onto the market
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I am back from my trip in Israel, and regular blogging is to resume in a few days. Meanwhile, my mom received nearly as many birthday greetings as I was hoping she would. If you havn't done so already, please send her a belated birthday wish there. When the number of messages gets to 30, I will send $35 gift certificate to one of the well-wishers.
Many More Unusual Stories about Money Here
May 27, 2005 in Money & Finances | Permalink
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» Selling $20 bills from Business of Life™
If you wonder why so many people, especially doctors, lose so much money, they could have been students of Max Bazerman who has quite a lucrative sideline selling $20 bills. Psychologist Max Bazerman says that during the past ten years he has... [Read More]
Tracked on May 27, 2005 9:18:47 AM