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May 29, 2005

I am not a cook

Appetizers Vegemite ads from the 20’s to today

I love to cook. But I love cookbooks even more, especially if they're old and filled with recipes for things I'd never want to eat. Scary foods: The ultimate diet recipes & meat inspections

Klingon Gingerbread, Baked Camels, Ground Pork Peanut Butter Cookies & other Bizarre Recipes

A visit to a Bagel Bakery. (From “Tasting Menu”)

50,000 spider crabs

Micon’s Dinner blog

All over the internet this week: Crying while eating is good for you

Many More Unusual Recipes and Meals Here

May 29, 2005 in Food | Permalink


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» aw shucks and carking kangaroos from BARISTA
It took an American to find this, but then it takes an American company to make and sell our national food. Yes folks, here is the heritage of Vegemite, as expressed through its ads from the 1920's to the present... [Read More]

Tracked on May 30, 2005 6:39:45 AM



Why is crying while eating 'sposed to grow my brain? Jesus, eating potato chips and ketchup and crying over the wasted promise of youth..... hmmmm.

Oh! I know! I'll go make up some Utz chips and Heinz ketchup and make myself cry. I'll get back to you and let you know if my brain grew. Maybe my butt will. But who knows... I might have an epiphany or something.

Did you notice I NAMED the chips and the ketchup? I'm scum.

Posted by: Amy at May 30, 2005 5:25:02 PM