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April 24, 2005

Camarillo Brillo

Zappa_mothers On Sale - This guitar was given to Frank Zappa by Jimi Hendrix... and was played by both of them. (Thanks to ”Chardman”)

Zappa on Hungarian phone card

"Zappa commissioned the making of the famous American quilt made entirely of women’s undergarments. I was fortunate enough to attend a show at the Berkeley Community Theater on the tour that yielded some of the component parts of this quilt.

There were panties strung from both sides of the stage to the bass drums and one panty over each of the holes in front of said drums. Wafting panties marking time as the girls made their way to the stage to give their undergarments to the bass player, who used giant plastic tongs to deposit them on a silver platter which he then passed to Frank. If the garment was deemed worthy, Mr. Zappa would then twirl them on his finger without missing a beat. These gifts were saved for later use. The results were very Frank"...

Zappa's treasure house. Gail Zappa has a hoard of music that could fill a hundred albums - and she hopes to release it, bit by bit. (Thank you, Al)

Zappa Vs. WMD - Silly

Who are the brain police? Many More Odd Zappa Moments Here and Unusual Dylan Links Here

April 24, 2005 in Music - Frank Zappa | Permalink


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Tracked on Jun 20, 2005 4:40:53 AM


Great Zappa content here. Nice blogging!

Here's my Zappa page...

Thank you and keep up the unusually fine work!

Posted by: Hank at Apr 25, 2005 12:37:51 PM

wow, only a million dollars? what a bargain! is the zappa family trust is financial dire straits or something? come on! a million $$

Posted by: dave scott at Apr 26, 2005 10:23:30 AM