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March 20, 2005

Squirrel Recipes

Tv_dinner_2 Pressure Cooking Squirrels at Squirrel Camp, the Nazis of the Squirrel world

All over the internet: Fried dough around the world

Yankee Judge at Chili Cookoff, (Probably a re-post. From ”Bifurcated Rivets”)

Knitted food. (From Art for Housewives)

Step by step preparation (with photos) of Thomas Keller’s signature recipe Butter poached lobster, by Gothamist’s Joe DeSalazar

Purple Potatoes with Roasted Garlic. How can you go wrong?

Eight recipes from Ancient Rome

The Way We Eat Now. Ancient bodies collide with modern technology to produce a flabby, disease-ridden populace

This is Hormel. Do you really want to see your food being processed?

The art of carving by Barbara Santich. (From Slow Food)

Many More Unusual Dining Experiences Here

March 20, 2005 in Food | Permalink


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