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March 19, 2005

Suicide is Painless

Cohen_1 Dying is... "Soon, I will be dead. I have a recalcitrant tumour in the neck, and it's a real pain. It's given me plenty of time to prepare for my death, and now it's finally going for the kill. I am completely powerless in the face of it. My only option is to flee to my mind, where I have so, so much to say and tell... but I have no one to tell it to. This is the loneliness of death."

Sleeping Beauty: Grief, bereavement and the family in memorial photography. (From ”Haircut”)

Making your loved one comfortable during the last days of life

The morbid art of Polish illustrator Franciszek Starowieyski

List of songs about suicide. From Wikipedia

Songs to play at my funeral

A Grisly suicide. A suicidal New Jersey man set a new standard for self-inflicted brutality

Death Of Parents Boosts Area Woman's Self-Esteem, sources close to the 27-year-old said Monday

Coroner Stories - The real-life world of death investigation

How to destroy the Earth

Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here

March 19, 2005 in Death & Eternity | Permalink


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» Cómo destruir la Tierra from Microsiervos
No, en serio: How to destroy the Earth.For the purposes of what I hope to be a technically and scientifically accurate document, I will define our goal thus: by any means necessary, to render the Earth into a form in... [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 20, 2005 1:44:31 PM

» Cómo destruir la Tierra from Microsiervos
No, en serio: How to destroy the Earth.For the purposes of what I hope to be a technically and scientifically accurate document, I will define our goal thus: by any means necessary, to render the Earth into a form in... [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 20, 2005 1:45:29 PM


What is the source of the illustration on this entry? I don't recognize it, but I think the woman might be a witch, not just due to being burned and chained, but because this appears to be happening under tree branches. I suspect those are rowan trees, which are supposed to suppress the powers of witches so that they don't escape their fate.

Wow, she really looks calm.

Posted by: Spring Dew at Mar 19, 2005 7:46:35 PM

One of the first LP records by Leonard Cohen had a similar photo on the back side. See:
http://www.hereinmyhead.com/collect/collab/towerf.jpg . When I discovered the illustration, I actually thought it was the same artwork. Now that I looked, I see that it's not.

Posted by: Hanan at Mar 19, 2005 10:11:14 PM

Wow, this reminds me of the jones I had for Jessica Mitford and the "American Way of Death" way back when. Perhaps my morbid and cynical nature was formed by reading that book too early.

Posted by: Melinama at Mar 20, 2005 4:33:07 AM

Spring dew did some digging as to the source of the picture -

Posted by: Hanan at Mar 21, 2005 8:01:59 PM