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March 24, 2005

Earn Money Blogging!

Blink_1 How do you drive traffic to your blog? How do you get your blog to that level of popularity at which it can begin generating income? (Answer at “Why God Why?”)

”I’ve started blogging” from “Gaping Void”

On the other end (Or 4-5 months later, usually): Over 2,720,000 Google results for “Sorry, I haven't posted in a while” , with an explanation from ”Cynical-C”

More garden blogs than you have time to shake a rake at. (From “Subterranean Homepage News”)

Hedgical Trevor, the Hedgehog Blog

Jan's electromagnetic system (surveillance). “DO YOU KNOW WHAT AN ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS SYSTEM IS? It is a system that has capabilities like you can't imagine.THEY CALL IT NON-LETHAL.It is being used on Americans in the U.S. daily… Write your Senator and complain. YOU COULD BE NEXT!”

The Synchronicity of Indeterminacy is an experiment in creativity with daily posts of a found photo and an original one-minute short story inspired by the found photo. All stories are fictional. The idea is based on the Indeterminacy recordings by John Cage, pairing one-minute short stories with random sounds

The blogging process by Dave Pollard. A pretentious and presumptuous attempt to document what bloggers have learned, without any formal instruction, to do every day

Many More Unusual Blogs and Bloggers Here

March 24, 2005 in World of Blogging | Permalink


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Thank you for mentioning my blog. I thought about adding this click thing to earn money. Two thoughts came to mind: 1) I wouldn't want these annoying banners at my blog. I want to keep it non-commercial. 2) The click thing might merge beautifilly with the concept of matching random pictures with random stories because the adds are selected based on the post content. This could add a new element of indeterminacy with unintended humor.

I'm still thinking about it, but my first take 1) is pretty strong.

Posted by: indeterminacy at Mar 30, 2005 12:20:20 AM