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March 19, 2005
Churches of France
Busts of Mystery. At the National Building Museum, there are at least 200 marble busts located far, far above the floor in the main atrium…
Also from “Beyond Stupidity”: High Rise Window Stairwells of The Centrepoint Tower in London
The Construction of the Empire State Building, 1930-1931
Moving the Axum Obelisk and shipping it back to Ethiopia. (From ”Kottke”)
Romanesque churches of France. (In French. From ”Hollyism”)
At the ephemera estate sale on Saturday, we found a booklet titled Parade of Homes 1956 for a Houston subdivision that we had never heard of or seen
Some NYC filming locations from "Taxi Driver" - then and now
(Photograph above is of the Eiffel Tower being built 1989, I mean 1889.) Many More Unusual architectural Links Here
Today’s “Blog Of The Day” is “Cacheop”, by Alberto Escarlate. I finally made a little Linking Icon the “winner” can stick on their site, if they wish.
March 19, 2005 in Architecture | Permalink
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» better homes from boynton
34. Carpet extends to owners’ bathroom One end is almost walnut ....Buffet super? Rearrange living-room chairs and tables, set up card tables, and bring in turquoise kitchen chairs....Televsion football game? Seat a dozen boys and dads in activity room... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 21, 2005 9:51:32 PM
» better homes from boynton
34. Carpet extends to owners’ bathroom One end is almost walnut ....Buffet super? Rearrange living-room chairs and tables, set up card tables, and bring in turquoise kitchen chairs....Televsion football game? Seat a dozen boys and dads in activity room... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 21, 2005 9:53:56 PM
The Eiffel tower was built in 1989? I really gotta keep up with the times, I thought it was a touch older than that.
Posted by: JohnFen at Mar 20, 2005 1:59:00 AM
OOPS! I remembered it as if it was yesterday...
Posted by: Hanan at Mar 20, 2005 7:29:30 AM