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February 14, 2005
Jerry Springer moments
“Mom, dad, there’s something important I need to share with you…” You’re not German, you’re idiot! Gunther, by Steve Ayson, for MTV
This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine.
Easy Tail building instructions
The Bemusement Park’s Guide To Picking a College Major: “Going through the academy department by department . . . which is what I did for my first two and a half years of college”
Lejo Robot - Theatre with his bare hands and a pair of wooden eyes. (Start with the videos, click on the accordion, go from there)
The Squeegee Incident. By Kafkaesque
From Ironic Times, January 31, 2005: Cheney blasted for visiting Auschwitz in ski parka. Later, raises more eyebrows by wearing loud Hawaiian shirt at Buchenwald
The original Manamanah
From “The Chaser”: Abbreviation mix-up leads to Hulk Hogan addressing WEF
A new medication for when all else fails
The Altoids Cinema. (From ”No Milk”)
A Jerry Springer moment: "What part of "I'm sorry" don't you understand?" A Craigs List Best
Readers’ submissions for I Hump Things
Give in to Haste and Remain Chaste, from The Daily Probe
For Valentine's I got a box of Bitter Sweets. Thanks for nothing!
Ducked tape above from "Chasing Daisy". A long list of Hysterically Funny and Crazy Links Here
February 14, 2005 in Odd & Crazy | Permalink
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