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February 27, 2005
Frighten your garbage man
Wanted: 30 Chinamen and a Zeppelin
Get your I Park Like An Idiot Bumper Stickers, and spread the joy around
The 1810 historic Berners Street Hoax
Super Mario Bros. was an inspiration to many of today’s computer engineers. In celebration of Engineering Week, a Super Mario was created out of 3800 Post-it notes
This Prank page was featured on ”I am Bored” this weekend, and that had brought up to 700 visitors an hour to Grow-a-brain for the last few days. Yo, guys, thank you for visiting, and check out the rest of the site (On the left). Many More Hilarious Pranks And Many More Outrageous jokes Here
February 27, 2005 in Pranks | Permalink
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