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December 28, 2004

The Sound of a Harley Engine

Harley_engine The Motorcycle Diaries - “Let the world change you... and you can change the world”

Mike LeDuc’s Alaskan travelogue on a Harley Sportster. (From Plep)

The Trademark Registrability of the Harley-Davidson Roar: A Multimedia Analysis. Harley engine sounds, including “Potato, potato”

Restoration of a 1970 Harley-Davidson FLH 1200 Electra-Glide

How Harley-Davidson Works

Parts Unknown in Toronto

Chainsaw motorcycle - Andi Feldmann rides on a motorbike Tuesday he invented together with his brother, German cartoonist Roetger (Broesel) Feldmann, in the northern town of Wietze-Jeversen. The self-constructed bike is powered by 24 chain saw motors

Amen Motorcycles, Custom Motorcycle Chassis with Lowest Seat Frame in the Industry. (From Jaf project)

Many More Unusual Harley-Davidson Links Here

December 28, 2004 in Harley-Davidson | Permalink


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» Sound of a Harley-Davidson from Can I Get A What What
Link: growabrain: Sound of a Harley-Davidson. It's my understanding that Harleys don't come butt loud.... but rather the owners make mods to make their Harleys louder than life. Funny how loud is good for a Harley... but my old SUV [Read More]

Tracked on Jan 2, 2005 3:21:11 AM


I know some guys who work for Harley here in Milwaukee and they take all this sound stuff **very** seriously.

Posted by: Tom McMahon at Dec 28, 2004 12:50:52 PM