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December 28, 2004

Buy my book

Book_front_cover_1 If you read Hebrew, you can purchase a copy of my book “Between Geography & Mescaline”. I wrote this 128-page book of poetry in the early seventies, as I was hitchhiking and living the life on park benches and farm houses in Western Europe. A few years ago, when I was ready to get rid of all my notebooks, my sister, Dafna, discovered the manuscript of this book and got it published in Israel. I still have about 60 copies of it, and will sell each for $10 (plus shipping, no handling). If interested, send me an E-mail to realhanan (at) yahoo dot com, and I’ll get you a signed copy. The books can be sent from the US or from Israel. Thank you.

More stuff from the ol’ Middle East:

Lesson no. 12 when you learn to speak Arabic: “Ever since I was a teenager, I have loved Swedish women... The Swedish woman I love most is Britt Ekland…” (From W. Lynn Garrett)

Yasser Arafat loved to kiss his friends

Zaman Castle overlooking the Red sea. (From Living in Egypt)

Middle Eastern Weapons for sale - antiques only, unfortunately

Turkish Coffee Tutorial

I received this stupid E-mail chain letter: Jews & Muslims recipients of the Nobel prize. ”The Nobel Prize is rigged by the Jews”

Jerusalem Shots, a portal of photographs about Jerusalem

Osama - Room for Infidels - What if Bin Ladin stopped releasing tapes and started releasing albums?

My old high-school, The Reali School in Haifa has now a website too. (I dropped out of it a year before graduation)

"Now that Arafat's dead, the only thing standing in the way of peace in the Mideast is Sharon." (From The Onion). Many More Unusual Links from the Middle East Here

December 28, 2004 in Middle East | Permalink


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