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November 29, 2004
Remember the Pueblo
Two panoramic photographs of the waterfront of Seattle, Washington, taken from the same vantage point - 95 years apart
Bobby Yang plays the Star-Spangled Banner on his funky violin. (From the always-unique “Everlasting Blort”).
Also, Scuba-naked's free Patriotic Music Downloads, including John Wayne reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
Six things you don’t know about Texas
The Not-all-Americans-are-stupid-quiz. (From “Left Edge North”)
Portraits of Americans Who Tell the Truth, by Robert Shetterly
A 12 panel piece of art which R. Crumb named "A short history of America"
Couldn't be better looking, Jantzen ad, 1948. From the re-visited Ephemera now, dedicated to the commercial art of mid-century America
The 'Streets Of America' project
U.S. Postal Service: Official Abbreviations
Powerful Days: The Civil Rights Photography of Charles Moore
Today’s “Blog Of The Day” is “ We Make Money Not Art”, by a blogger who once worked at a smelly Portuguese squid museum. If you wish to have your blog considered as “Blog Of The Day”, or if you know of a blog that should get same recognition, please email me at realhanan (at) yahoo (dot) com, or post a comment at the bottom of this post.
Many More All American Links Here
I don’t usually post such requests, but here is an email I received tonight:
“Mr. Levin,
…my name is Daren Kearney Heidgerken and I am attending the Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business (Class of 2006). This semester two of my classmates and I are taking Marketing Research. The primary project of the course is to create and administer a survey. We are creating a Web based survey that we would like to use to reach as large of an audience as possible.
As I was brainstorming ways to draw people to our survey I came across your blog. I was wondering if you would mind placing a link to our survey from your blog.
You can see a draft of our survey here
We have only a short time to administer the survey, so I would appreciate hearing back from you at your earliest convenience.
Many thanks,
Daren Kearney Heidgerken
Fremont, California”
Please pass the link around. Let’s fill their box with thousands of responses!
November 29, 2004 in Americana | Permalink
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» Free Patriotic Music from America (Wow ! It's fre from PCL LinkDump
"John Wayne reciting 'the Pledge of Allegiance' and other hard core patriotisms.
This brought to you by Scubanaked" [Read More]
Tracked on Nov 30, 2004 3:17:12 AM
Hilarious! per usual.
Posted by: Sallie at Nov 30, 2004 9:01:35 AM
Thank you Sallie,
Thanks so much for your continous feedback...
I can't believe that I get up to 7,000 hits a day (and last week, with the 'White shirt experiment' as many as 10,000+ a day) and nearly nobody cares to leave any comments here... after all the many hours that goes into this here blog every day...
Come'on people...
Posted by: Hanan at Nov 30, 2004 10:05:46 AM
Thanks Hanan for posting a link to my survey. I will let you know how this little project goes.
Posted by: Daren Kearney Heidgerken at Nov 30, 2004 9:27:38 PM