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November 07, 2004

Lydia The Tattooed Lady

 Comedy_central Flush Hojo Game. (From ”TV FunHouse”)

Lisa Rein’s complete archives of The Daily Show videos

Howard Dean staffer Karl Vincent Frisch impersonates Clinton, Bush, Clark and Dean. From Chuck Olsen’s new ‘Blogumentary’

Letter & emails to Legend Richard Pryor

The Ministry of Silly Walk clip. “Just The Words” - The complete unexpurgated scripts of the original Monty Python’s Flying Circus (From Ib Rasmussen's Thumbnail Gallery). Btw, noses are rarely mentioned by Josephus, and big noses not at all, except by implication. Yet despite this, Life of Brian, which, according to its writers, is “based on a load of Josephus”, begins its post-title action with an intense rhinometric argument. Complete script of Life Of Brian

The last days of Andy Kaufman

The Marx Brothers Map

Woody Allen on George S. Kaufman. (NYT article, may disappear; No mirror yet)

Many of The Best Comedians in the World Here

November 7, 2004 in Comedians | Permalink


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