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November 01, 2004
Japanese Salaryman very tired
Japanese Business Men Too Tired, must sleep. Arnold Schwarzenegger as a Salaryman who loses at a gentlemans game
How to tie the Sumo wrestler’s Fundoshi (=loincloth. From ”Bifurcated Rivets”)
The International Netsuke Society is devoted to the study and collection of netsuke miniature sculptures
Today’s Kyoto: Beautiful photographs by Akiyoshi Kitaoka , of the “Rotating Snakes Illusion” fame
The Bamboo Museum in Kyoto
Pachinko is the largest industry in the world’s second largest economy, but few people outside Japan have ever heard of it
Bonsai: Worlds within worlds
Kumadori make-up involves bold lines of color with symbolic significance; for example, red to signify virtue or strength, and blue to signify evil. (From Robert Reed)
Many More Unusual Links about Japan Here
November 1, 2004 in Japan | Permalink
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