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November 30, 2004
And You Will Know My Name Is The Lord
"Pulp Politicians": What do they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Iraq?
“Pulp Fiction” co-writer Roger Avary is suing Microsoft saying that the corporation stole his idea for a virtual yoga game, and writing about it in his blog
Jules Winnfield in the 1800's, a Worth 1000 Celebrity Time Travel contest
Tarantino on Kill Bill’s Camerawork. November 2003 Tarantino Playboy interview (Large irritating, noisy pop-ups)
Kill Bill Vol. 1 in a series of ASCII text images
Today’s “Blog Of The Day” is “ Jesus' General”, Long Live The Christian Cultural Revolution. If you wish to have your blog considered as “Blog Of The Day”, or if you know of a blog that should get same recognition, please email me at realhanan (at) yahoo (dot) com, or post a comment at the bottom of this post.
A Large collection of Pulp Fiction Links Here
November 30, 2004 in Cinema - "Pulp Fiction" | Permalink
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