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October 23, 2004

Fun related program activities


The Alien Song by Victor Navone. (From “American Digest”)

Find Hitler! The cunning dictator is hiding.

I would like to partly-recommend Jon Stewart’s book Naked Pictures of Famous People (1998). A few of the sketches are pretty good: The new Judaism, Pen Pals, and Adolf Hitler: The Larry King Interview which you can hear here

Defective Yeti asks his readers for jokes. Some are ok.

Can you hear me now?

How to tell if your wife is a porn star. (From "Weekly World News")

Do you keep falling asleep in meetings and seminars? What about those long and boring conference calls? Bullshit Bingo will change all of that

What exactly is "improper" humor?

W. Bruce Cameron’s The Chili Judge

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October 23, 2004 in Funny | Permalink


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