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September 30, 2004

Experimenting with LSD

Lsd_art_2 Re-post: The results of careless experiments, feeding LSD to British soldiers

Also, Goats On Acid: The FDA institutionalized laboratory experimentation on animals in 1908. At that time, the FDA's Drug Division was reorganized into four Laboratories, one of which stated its purpose as "investigating the physiological effects of drugs on animals."

The LSD No-Hitter And other drug tales from the world of baseball. Another version of former Pittsburgh Pirates' pitcher Dock Ellis's story

E-Bay auction: "Snakes on White" Blotter art

Salvia Divinorum Video Clips: Sharry's First Trip is a video taped account of her first experience with Lady Salvia

Freud and Cocaine - Freud leads the late nineteenth Century charge for the cause of cocaine

Crystal Meth - “It will consume your mind! It will destroy your future! They call it Ice! It is a raging Fire!” Mothers Against Methamphetamine

LSD Barcode Art above from Scott Blake. I am on vacation and will be away for a few weeks. This post has been pre-blogged for your enjoyment. Any complains will have to wait until my return. More about any kind of bad drugs especially Acid and Pot Here

September 30, 2004 in Drugs - LSD | Permalink


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Tracked on Sep 30, 2004 6:45:44 AM

Link: growabrain: LSD Experiments. That really is a careless experiment. Feeding LSD to soldiers. That's not cool at all. [Read More]

Tracked on Jan 5, 2005 12:02:08 PM


Hell-Low from Heaven-High; I am author/publisher of Manna
Biblical Sacrament ... I have been having extreme trouble these last years finding PURE LSD, of course I realize the illegality of my request, but am making this desperate plea to anyone who can help me obtain some. At age 47 this has become harder than I ever expected ... here is a description of my book and who I am. This is NOT entrapment, I am who I say and need a brother to help me out.
Emphasis on the word PURE cannot be over-stressed.
My Book;
Exodus 16:14-24 indicates that MANNA was definitely a MUSHROOM. It was a small round thing in the morning dew, it bred larva, and would melt to mush if not dried. KING JAMES VERSION.
Fly’s eggs cause larvae/worms in mushrooms.
Daniel 5:3-5 with Exodus 16:32 and Hebrews 9:4
indicates that the mushroom was a DRUG. Those who drank from the cup containing MANNA had visions within the hour. Psilocybin takes 30-40 minutes to induce visions.
Hebrews 9:4 makes it clear that MANNA was the most holy thing to Israelites, kept in A POT OF GOLD in the ARK OF THE COVENANT, in the MOST HOLY OF HOLYS.
Psalm 78:24-25 calls MANNA FOOD OF ANGELS, just as MAYAN/INCA PRIESTS from Meso-America called it TEONANACATL FOOD OF THE GODS. Coca and Tobacco Leaves found in Pharaohs tombs suggest it was ancestors of Mayan/Inca Priests who brought MUSHROOMS to Egypt. MANNA is an Egyptian word, not Hebrew or Aramaic, meaning;
The BREAD OF GOD. This is what Moses called it in Exodus 16:15.
John 2:6-9 indicates that Jesus made water into wine by boiling mushrooms (Mushroom-Tea), the waterpots were made of stone, not clay, (stone pots were used for cooking, clay pots used for storing water). These pots already contained 2-3 firkins of a substance before the pots were filled with water.
A “Firkin” is an Old-English measurement meaning a fourth part. Half to three-quarters of fresh mushrooms with water makes a potent tea. Tea is the safest way to consume field mushrooms, killing dangerous bacteria like E. Coli. In the Atharva Veda, the Hindus called this Tea SOMA. Greeks called mushroom jelly AMBROSIA.
Moses, Christ, and Joseph, The favorite son of Israel, were all educated in Egypt. Solomon married Pharaoh’s daughter, and Abraham found his God at a place called SHECHEM which is another Egyptian word for MANNA.
There is now good archeological evidence that Maya/Inca ancestors crossed the Atlantic, bringing with them advanced knowledge of STAR PRECESSION, PYRAMID ARCHITECTURE, and The MUSHROOM RITUAL to Egypt. There the Patriarchs of Israel all learned of it and became leaders amongst their people.
Plato describes how his great-grandfather Solon, met a banished priest from Egypt who revealed secret knowledge of how an advanced race from across the Atlantic brought knowledge that made Egypt so great and mighty see ATLANTIS IN THE ANDES by Jim Allen.
MANNA was round, was found on the ground in the dew, would melt to mush if not dried or collected on time, and would breed larvae. All unique characteristics of mushrooms. When dried it was like WAFERS OF BREAD and it’s color was like CORIANDER SEED, the consistency and color of dried mushrooms. Exodus Ch. 16.
© Sacred-Wine Press ©
see web-site @ http://www.island.net/~durej
TO ORDER BOOK E-MAIL Phone 250- 748-4174
James Dure 205-341 Ypres St. Duncan BC. V9L3T5 Canada

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Lsd if used responsibly is a beautiful, creative and knowledgeable experience free of toxic withdrawal or addictive withdrawal symptoms. The Key is to be passionate about wanting to take LSD and then not abusing the amount that you take. Respect LSD and it will respect your mind.

Long Sweet Dreams to you all.

Posted by: Hoffmans Fan at Feb 25, 2006 6:14:38 AM

Loved Your Site, Amazing!

Posted by: Climestra at Mar 1, 2009 10:21:51 PM