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September 16, 2004

Johnny Fontane will never get that movie

Godfather_horsehead It looks like Khartoum's racing days are over: The Godfather Horse Head Pillow for the film buff who has everything and whose wife won't let them own a revolver. From Kropserkel, creators of elaborate costumes and props. Also there, among many other such delights, The Hannibal Lecter restraint mask, a Silence of the Lambs replica, and Fight Club Soap Replica

What’s with all the oranges of The Godfather ?

For sale - Godfather Life Mask

Café Niebaum-Coppola, 916 Kearny Street, San Francisco. The Niebaum-Coppola online wine store

Many More Unusual Links about Coppola’s Godfather, about Spielberg’s “Jaws”, and about Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction” Here

September 16, 2004 in Cinema - "The Godfather" | Permalink


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