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August 08, 2004

"Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies"...


Proudly display your Shark Tattoos

Man of the Year 1975

Mad Magazine Cover #180 Jan. 1976

Bob Peak’s Time magazine cover

"Show me the way to go home ... I'm tired and I wanna go to bed ...”

Close up

Rotten Tomatoes Reviews - ”Fresh” ratings 100%!

Thrift store art - "Giant Shark Prepares to Eat Water-skier"

How the Jaws of Life Work

Jaws-cartoon above from Duh! Blog. Many More Unusual Links about Spielberg’s “Jaws”, about Coppola’s Godfather and about Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction” Here

August 8, 2004 in Cinema - "Jaws" | Permalink


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