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August 22, 2004
"Cat Taught Not To Sleep In Wok"
Kangaroo Meat - The Basic Cuts. (From Information Junk)
The true cost of meat - Americans each chomp their way through an astounding 220 lbs. of meat every year - that's a medium steak per person per day -
More Giant Fruits & Vegetable Postcards
Tomato Throw Pillow. (From The Needlepoint Museum)
What do cats really taste like...
A bouquet out of vegetables. More Fruit and Vegetable Carving by Kae-Sa-Luk
McDonald Banner Ads that didn't quite make it. (From Invisible College)
Headline above is from The Onion. Other headlines this week: "Drywall Worker Plastered", and "Homosexual Tearfully Admits To Being Governor Of New Jersey". Many More vegetarian & anti-vegetarian Links Here
August 22, 2004 in Food - Meat & Vegetables | Permalink
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