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August 16, 2004
Coffins of Soldiers
Four months after the political storm, here’s the follow-up story: Lives altered by photo of coffins
Do you have a right to see this picture? Seditious libel's shadow
Handy Woodworking Course: Build Your Own Casket
Cosco to sell Caskets in stores
Six Feet Under, The Game
Eagle Custom Caskets has a product selection geared specifically to bikers! If you or your loved one are headed for biker heaven, there simply is no other choice
12 of Kane Quaye Fantasy Coffins at the National Museum of Funeral History
Biodegradable casket out of woven wicker or bamboo
Angel Michelangelo - This model is sold for $600 more by some Web Casket suppliers for the exact same casket!
Many More Unusual Coffins & Caskets and Links About Death and Eternity Here
August 16, 2004 in Death - Coffins | Permalink
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