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August 22, 2004
Attacks on the candidates' war record
Settling once & for all the controversy surrounding the medals of George W. Bush: Due to a large number of requests for information about his wartime heroism, I began studying his medals. What I found surprised me, and I felt it was my duty as an American to spread these remarkable findings. (This item will be picked up tomorrow by 51% of bloggers in America, me predict)...
The new & comprehensive 2004 Onion Election Guide contains all your favorite articles from the last year: Bush 2004 Campaign Pledges To Restore Honor And Dignity To White House, Kerry Unveils One-Point Plan For Better America, Many Americans Still Unsure Whom To Vote Against, "If Elected, I Will Be Extremely Surprised", and What do you think about Conservative Teens
With 2004 being a presidential election year, Dancing Deer is doing its part with the Dancing Deer Gingerbread Cookie Voter map: One cookie, one electoral vote
In the last few months, blogger Tom Mcmahon featured a nice series showing many of the red & blue results of previous elections. Here is the complete history of the Presidential Election Map Comparison
Another map, from "shape of days", this time of The worst-case scenario: 269-269
The latest news about The George W Bush presidential Library from a trusted American news source
The People's Guide to the Republican National Convention is the definitive guide to the public events surrounding the Republican National Convention in New York City
America, The Beautiful. (From the redesigned "Fish Bucket")
More Fair and Balanced News about the Election Here
Update: The Bush Medals Item was picked up by Metafilter, Waxy, Sixfruit and a bunch of other sites! That didn't take long!
August 22, 2004 in 2004 Election | Permalink
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» "IT" won't come fast enough! from ATtheHEARTofIT
My thoughts today, to review later... comments welcome as always! The US Election is less than 3 months away. I am soooo looking forward to the results, so we as a Nation can get on with it. All the hype in ads and who did this and did not do [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 24, 2004 8:03:29 AM
» "IT" won't come fast enough! from ATtheHEARTofIT
My thoughts today, to review later... comments welcome as always! The US Election is less than 3 months away. I am soooo looking forward to the results, so we as a Nation can get on with it. All the hype in ads and who did this and did not do [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 24, 2004 8:05:20 AM
Great Links. I am fed up with all of it. I wonder when are we ever going to get candidates to really vote for and support. This might be the first Presidental election that I don't vote. I don't like either one of them... Nader is a non-issue. Thanks for confirming "that" with these links.
Posted by: Sallie at Aug 23, 2004 6:09:51 AM