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May 30, 2004

Iraq East

iraq-Siloutte BBC photos from the bombed-out Iraq wedding in Mukaradeeb, 19 May

Arlington West - White Crosses on a Beach of Santa Barbara, CA

Survivor: Baghdad (Old link)

Iraqi firefighters fighting a pipeline fire. “I think this is one of the finest news images I've seen in a long time. It's frightening, glorious, beautiful, amazing, informative, all at the same time.”

Iraqi artist Kalat creates statue of US GI . (See the long list of comments below it)

Country Joe McDonald sings Cakewalk to Baghdad:
"It went real easy,
Took a couple of weeks
Tore down that statue
Set those Saddamites free
The frogs and the krauts, they feel real bad,
'Cause they missed out cakewalkin' into Baghdad..."

America's Incompetent Colonialism, and Opening the Doors: Intellectual Life and Academic Conditions in Post-War Baghdad. Both by Keith Watenpaugh

Nick Berg Execution Coverage (From "Camera/Iraq" )

iraqi_women Fishing on the Tigris in Baghdad

Day at the races at the Baghdad Equestrian Club

The old Iraqi Royal Family and old photographs of Iraqi people. (From the vast “Iraqi Pages”)

I am looking for information about the Valley of the Peace cemetery in Najaf in Najaf, considered to be one of the largest in the world. If anybody has a link to it, please email it to me. Our huge Archives of The War in Iraq are Here

May 30, 2004 in War in Iraq | Permalink


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See "Abu Ghraibi Fever -
Lynndie: Making Imperialism Fun"

Posted by: jim at May 30, 2004 9:27:04 PM