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April 18, 2004

“Steal This Durian” and other vegetarian links

Stealing_durians Varieties of durians (It's a joke, ok? You can't steal a durian, not without getting caught...)

Fractal Cauliflowers - The Fibonacci vegetable

What is Scrapple? Revered across the vast and rugged plains of Pennsylvania as "Much More'n Just Parts!," Scrapple sits atop all others in the pantheon of breakfast meats composed primarily of the unmentionable…

Kinky Fruit & Vegetables, Photographs by Dushan Drakulich. (From The Food Section)

The Pornography of Meat, by Carol J. Adams. "Even readers who do not share Adams’s views should find themselves challenged and perhaps even enlightened by this unique work."

Humans are Omnivores

“Whirly Weenie”, Fiberglass hotdog sculpture by Shari Borkin. (FromB.A.’s Weblog)

More Links about Meat & Vegetables Here

April 18, 2004 in Food - Meat & Vegetables | Permalink


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