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April 21, 2004

Liberal & shock Radio

Radio_craft_1 Radio Fest, one of the finest collections of catalin radios ever on display

Here you can learn about some of vintage Microphones used in broadcasting and in recording studios. (From “Metafilter”)

Howard Stern - hear it directly from the horse’s mouth

Air America Radio, the new liberal network

Loop Recorder, Capture music from web radio

More Odd Radio Links Here

April 21, 2004 in Radio | Permalink


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Well, quite a few right-wing partisans are now blaming the 'media' for exacerbating the recent scandals, in which the current administration is immersed. Isn't it funny? What really set their teeth on edge was a remark by House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. How dare she claim that President George W Bush is - gasp! - INCOMPETENT.

If you happen to believe that she hit the nail on the head, you might enjoy reading my proposed version of a state of the union that the NEXT president should deliver. To access it, you need only click on the hi-lited hyperlink below.


By the way, the proprietors of the www.BCVoice.com website have provided a couple ways for you to leave your comments.

Posted by: A Alexander "Sefton" Stella at Jun 12, 2004 10:45:30 AM