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March 02, 2004

Gorgeous queens

Queen_rania_of_jordan_1 My Jet Engine Projects - Anyone can build a pulsejet or turbojet engine.

Tall Clubs International. (You must be a minimum of 6'2" if you're a man and 5'10" if you're a woman).

The first step in creating cleavage? Complete elimination of chest hair.

Royalty: The website of The prince of Wales and Queen Rania of Jordan, a foxy lady (on the left). Her husband, the king of Jordan, had a cameo on a Star Trek movie. More, from "Rivets", H.M. Queen Noor of Jordan.

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March 2, 2004 in Unusual People | Permalink


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Salamu Alykum,Our Majesty

I respect your position as Queen, but I just want remind you, your obligation as a Muslimah. I Hope you know the duties that your required to do, and if you fulfilled all this obligation then this obligation will help your own people from suffering and humiliation.

As Muslim living in West I see you in the Media portraying how the Muslim should dress and how his or her believe should be. I think this is a major attack on as in the west because of you the leaders of the Muslim country.

Finally, please try to follow your Deen closely and follow it as it should be. Thank you very much for your co-operation

Posted by: Hussein at Jun 12, 2004 1:24:30 PM

I think that you shouldnt jugde one's personal relationship with God. By asking Queen Rania to follow he Deen you are assuming she doesnt already. She has the right to interperet her faith in any way she wishes. Islam all together is a big interpretaion wasnt it Mohammeds interperation of God after all.

Posted by: sandy at Jul 8, 2004 1:11:19 PM

hi who are you

Posted by: loai at Nov 16, 2004 11:10:15 AM

I would like to comment that, the reason Queen Rania dresses the way she does is not because she is a bad muslim woman. But because many of the muslim men prefer women that dress this way. Abviously she is married to very good looking and prominent man and she is also very happily married. A man who treats her nice, doen not beat her and does not have a second wife. The men who make their women wear hijab, Excuse Me!!! are out hitting their women, getting a second wife and the ones that aren't, especially the ones living in western countries like 99 % of them make their women wear hijab, stay at home, while they flirt and stare at women at the work place or they go to strip clubs, drink alcohol, smoke a bunch of cigarettes and they want and marry a woman who is a virgin and has never been out of the house. The muslim men who pray five times a day and go to the mosque regularly can be seen sitting at the beaches staring at naked women. If muslim men want women to wear the hijab then the muslim men need to wear one too!!!

Posted by: jj at Mar 3, 2005 7:51:52 PM

you're making an enormous generalization jj, i know people who have two wives and wont let their wives and daughters wear Hijab.

Anyway this isn't the website of Her Gorgeousness, it's http://www.queenrania.jo so don't bother to leave messages for Her Royal Freaking Hotness here.

Posted by: ME at Apr 9, 2005 12:46:25 PM

Ithink that she should follow her religion and set a good example for the younger muslim generation.

Posted by: salma at Apr 13, 2005 4:43:56 AM

I am not Muslimah or from the eastern world. I am actually Asian. I stubble across this by accident but I would like to comment.

I support Queen Rania and admire her for being able to speak both the culture of western and eastern. Being in a high position as hers, she would need to be able to speak the western language. Remember, the world leaders are mostly western countries or speaks western languages.

And I believe in order to do her job as a queen effectively and efficiently, she needs to continue to do what she has been doing since her husband became king.

I believe what she does is for the best of Jordan. Jordan cannot get ahead if it is still stuck in the 18th century. Remember, the world is changing around us and unless people accept the changes, they will be left behind.

I am not saying that individuals need to change but merely that they need to understand that it is not within our control to keep things the same always. If we were able to, we would still be living in caves.

I think Her Majesty is very intellegent. She is wise and I love to always hear her speak. I wish I was as smart as she was.

There are many positive things to come out of Her Majesty. She has a sense of fashion, which hopefully will be contagious in Jordan where the fashion industry in Jordan will prosper, and therefore bring in excessive revenues to the country. I know people in American and Europe is high on clothing fashion.

Not only that but her husband is "husband material" which means they work as partner rather this "My job vs. your job". (Believe me, western folks thinks it is inhumane to treat one's spouse as a piece of property.) And this means that His Majesty's role is more on the home front and Her Majesty's role tends to be out of the country. They both need to work together to get Jordan ahead. I know in America, we see both Queen Rania and King Hussein but in the fashion industry, more of Her Majesty (just b/c America love fashion and beautiful figures).

So I hope this will help you understand why it is critically important to have a figure head who is in the "now" rather than the "past".

Posted by: Christie Lee at Apr 13, 2005 7:26:31 PM

I would like to know if anyone knows Queen Rania's exact height?

Posted by: Virginia Rod at May 23, 2005 4:25:53 PM

I am from Jordan I need Your help my beloved queen .

Posted by: AH at May 30, 2005 4:29:05 AM

Please pass this message to her Mjesty, Queen Ranya
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Posted by: Pr.Dr.Mahmood at Aug 4, 2005 12:29:41 PM

It is sad to see the fuss about her majesty. First of all I do agree that Muslims are being generalized. There is good and bad in every culture and religion, so get over it and lets not get started about cultures that are ten times worse :). Secondly, those complaining about the queen not being a good muslim, just remember she may not have a head cover on but she is doing more for her country and her people than anyone ever has. God almighty knows intentions in the hear...not you! Give her credit and acknowledgement...not words of jealousy.

Posted by: Hana at Aug 28, 2005 10:21:16 PM

Happy Birthday your majesty Queen Rania since today is your birthday. I wish you all the best and am proud to be in your country. May this year and all the years to come be a blessing for you. Allah yehmeeki.
Love from Jordan

Posted by: manar altawil at Aug 31, 2005 6:17:40 AM

quueen rani is a gre3edy swine, and millionaieress, woads of aid, from britain and america, to be a corrupt scumbag, and unlike british people on welafre, palestinian pesaSNTS and african famine victims, she does not have to go to a interview to get her millions, and her country with saudi is the base for iraq's demon suicde bombers,

Posted by: gfdg at Sep 3, 2005 1:57:23 PM

Queen rania is 175 cm tall.

Posted by: sami at Sep 6, 2005 3:45:55 AM

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Posted by: ����� ���� ���� ������ at Sep 21, 2005 8:39:42 AM

dear majesty i want y r help to complete my study in alhussen center of oncology to help my people in iraq i now that u had help many iraqi patient and i d like to be one of those how get u r help thanks

Posted by: samir at Sep 22, 2005 1:13:40 AM

Ramadan Kareem and hoping for ever GOd Bless our King and queen and our country Jordan.
I need your help Pls.....pls.........

Posted by: Alice at Oct 24, 2005 12:36:33 AM

Wow, she has a beautiful heart on the inside, as well as on the outside. Some people are born with wisdom, heart & beauty. And others judge others by thier appearance & not by their gentle acts. She is all things. Respect her & love her for she is you SISTER. We are all inter-related in some capcity, all beings, all things & all of life.

Posted by: Mon at Nov 11, 2005 10:16:38 PM

Dont judge people - if you belive in the all MIGHTY - think first, before you say anything! - Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddist, Sunnis, Shia, Supermodels, Superheros, Supersluts, Immams, George Bush, Black, White,Yellow, Green or whatever are all the creation of Allah All Mighty, we are all the SAME, we come from one. The All Mighty is not stupid nor he/her is week to judge people on their dressing. We ( all living things ), do not have any power to do anything!!!! - including good and bad, without his blessing.

Posted by: Theone at Nov 14, 2005 5:02:50 PM

Her Majesty Queen Rania, keep on doing what you are doing, Allah All Mighty is with you wherever
you are!

Posted by: Theone at Nov 14, 2005 5:12:08 PM

Queen Rania does alot of good for her country, as well as help worldwide. Everyone admits that in her favor , and i doubt there is anyone who can deny her efforts.
I would like to take this chance to answer the previous comment by jj , about muslims and hijab. Mind you , but i do not agree with you at all. First and most importantly , i do not think you have an idea of what you are talking about when you say most muslim men prefer women who do not wear hijab. If some muslim men have gone astray , you cannot put all men in the same category. You are generalizing here. There are millions of muslims out there , what one of 100 of them does is not what they all do.
After all, In islam it is mandatory for all women to cover their heads and bodies , it is not a choice. I just want to make it clear , i am not defending men.I think the way you spoke about muslims is inappropriate , and you cannot relate them all to his highness King Abdulla of Jordan.

Posted by: pearly at Jan 18, 2006 2:03:06 PM

Queen Rania does alot of good for her country, as well as help worldwide. Everyone admits that in her favor , and i doubt there is anyone who can deny her efforts.
I would like to take this chance to answer the previous comment by jj , about muslims and hijab. Mind you , but i do not agree with you at all. First and most importantly , i do not think you have an idea of what you are talking about when you say most muslim men prefer women who do not wear hijab. If some muslim men have gone astray , you cannot put all men in the same category. You are generalizing here. There are millions of muslims out there , what one of 100 of them does is not what they all do.
After all, In islam it is mandatory for all women to cover their heads and bodies , it is not a choice. I just want to make it clear , i am not defending men.I think the way you spoke about muslims is inappropriate , and you cannot relate them all to his highness King Abdulla of Jordan.

Posted by: pearly at Jan 18, 2006 2:03:22 PM

I like queen rania cause she's beauty.And i read from ur writing shes smart. well shes close to perfect :queenn, beauty, smart.

i agree with d statement faith isnt look from outlooking but the heart.

Although, i hope one day queen rania can wear hijab.I think she doesnt have to ashame as moslemah who must wear hijab.Maybe it would be somekind of dakwah if she wear hijab because shes famous and a queen of Jordan, one of arab country which has important role in the peace of the world. Maybe if she wear hijab, people who are sinis to islam will think twice...:)

About d dress,not only queen rania,i think most of king-prince-president'wifes in Arab are like her.I dont know maybe they dont wanna look strange or different from another world-chief'wifes.But really,wear hijab is very good.And queen Rania will be admired by women and men in the world.Why not?Beautiful moslemah hijaber arabian has an important role in the humanity of the world.

Hijab isnt culture of arab.Its there in al quran, qs annuur.Moslemah must wear it,so no doubt hijaber must be a moslem

I pray to Allah hope queen rania get a hidayah and will wear a hijab. Ameeen...

Posted by: fitz at Jan 19, 2006 9:14:59 PM

I disrespect your comment loai i don't believe that. A women forfills her dream of wearing a hijab she shouldn't be forced and if she was not 99% of men who are middaneen go out to night clubs, drink alchol, etc. at least not Muslims who live in the US. And yes Queen Rania has her rights too ,she could wear whatever she wants to wear!! thnx

Posted by: Hyatt at Feb 18, 2006 4:06:13 PM

If men in the Muslim world did not want to be tempted by women, maybe they should abstain from sexual thoughts. Making women cover themselves in this way - essentially in shame - is another way of diverting responsibility for one's own thoughts onto someone else. That way, if they get sexually aroused, they can say it was the woman's fault, not theirs.

Same way many Christians blame the 'devil' for the bad that happens to them, instead of accepting responsibility themselves.

Religion of all kinds is complete nonsense.

Anytime personal faith crosses over to vain religious practice, you've lost the point of faith in the first place.

Posted by: Brad at Mar 6, 2006 7:14:40 AM

Deer Every Arab man and Woman:
for God sake we are in the 20th century and we still judge people from the way they dress, i think that qeen Rania should be a role model for every Arab womwen, and we are in the 20th century and women in saudi Arabia cannot drive???? were is the dignity of those women,,,,,
and to the person who is prayting for queen rania that God will (yehdi qeen rania ) all what i say to him is i hope that God will yehdeeq and to open your eye and to see how you and your religion are the devil in this world and Jesus will yehdi qeen rania and she will become christian becasue islam does not even worth a beatifull intelligent women like her, all what Islam worth is the stupid walking tents whom turn to a bitches after midnight

Posted by: Mohammad at Apr 14, 2006 11:54:31 PM

To manar al tawil....everybody should read what she wrote above...i know u, so be very very careful about wat u say. How dare you talk about your queen in this way, have some decency. Just becoz aboki im3a2ad ou imik im7ajabeh and u have an american passport does not mean u can go round critisizing other people simply because they are better than you in every way posible.....
inti mutakhalifeh and you are exactly what jordan can certainly do without.

Posted by: alurdonawal at Apr 28, 2006 2:54:36 PM

Sorry kteer kteer la manaraltaweel who didnt post the comments above. It was gdfg actually. Manaraltweel actually wrote something very sweet; rembering the queesns birthday at 6 something in the morning, getting on the computer at that time, posting the comment probably before going to school, or work perhaps, excited that today is our queens birthday. (Kaman ishi i dont know you manartaweel. asifeh kteer lil iz3aj)

Posted by: alurdonawalan at Apr 28, 2006 3:24:16 PM

i love this woman.This queen look hot in this dress.She should keep wearing dress like that cuz that make western world think that there is no difference between muslims & westerns

Posted by: Abid Nazir at May 9, 2006 10:19:10 PM

Some muslims friends in this forum wrote that world is changing so whatever queen is doing ( speaking english,wearing sexy dresses,showing her body curves etc.) is ok, I will give one advice to those muslim brothers that you should convert to Christian and after that do whatever u want,wear whatever you want and show whatever you want.
I am living in USA since 1995.I never told my wife to wear sexy dresses.
But yes i know some muslims come in USA,Canada and UK and they give up their faith very fast.
I can only say one thing for those stupid muslims and that is may Allah help you.

Posted by: Abid Nazir at May 9, 2006 10:26:30 PM

I would also say one more thing to muslims women and men in western world and that is women wearing small clothes for her husband is ok.
But show of in public that mean woman is selling herself in the market or putting herself in the market.
And thats what this hottie doing
Just by looking at her sexy figour even my dick is also hard and i am also wishing that i wish i could fuck her or atleast i could get a blow job from her.
But if this women would be in islamic dress ( not with hijaab but nice ) I might think to respect her.
Women like this queen are a walking hell.
Trust me if she wear this what you expect from her 2 daughters ? when they both will grow up and they will come in western world for study.
you think they will go to mosque ?
they will go to clubs,would like to keep bf,and would like get fucked every night.
And after they will finish study they will go back (may be) and marry to some prince and then they will become queen and then jordan will feel proud of them.
Right Guys
Be happy guys

Posted by: Abid Nazir at May 9, 2006 10:35:36 PM

I think that because you are trying to have the Islam strong and whatever how about you look at the way that you are dressed and not just us. By the way I am from Palestine, Jordan but I dont see you helping people as much.

Posted by: Malak at May 17, 2006 1:25:56 PM

hi!! Queen Rania, you have a lot of Grace of God and also you are beutiful.
God Bless you and your Country

Posted by: luz at May 18, 2006 9:18:08 AM

Excuse me, women wearing hijab get raped too to answer some of the comments up above. If all these great muslim men were taking care of women then women would not have to go out and expose their bodies and allow men to look at them with lust. A woman does not have to dress like Rania, but almost all the jobs out there require a woman to wear a uniform, business suit, fancy dresses to work. A woman wearing such attire looks attractive and the shape of her body shows. She only has two choices, go out expose her body so that she can support herself or compromise everything with her muslim husband, he hits her, gets second wife, flirts with other women etc.(very few muslim men really respect their wives and treat them as equals). Maybe wearing the hijab which means properly covering the body is better, because yeah I just remembered islam gives men the right to hit women. It's right there in the quran, do not sleep with her, if she's disobedient, beat her if she's even more disobedient. Please don't say that men and women are equal in Islam. Islam clearly says women are less than a men, I think that they have the status of a camel. Men get twice the inheritance money, he can hit her, women should compromise if her husband abuses her, he can get four wives, she cannot get full custody of the children, sons must be fed milk for two years and the girls for 1 year, WHATEVER!!!!

Posted by: tammy at May 19, 2006 6:24:09 PM

to abi nazir, I think you are the most sick person that I ever heard in this earth, have some respect for your self and for the queen, the women can go naked and still able to force her respect on people it the matter of respect I grow up as a Muslim (thank God I converted) for couple years and actually I found that the hijab women are horny like shit they look at you in there eyes like they want to get fucked as soon as possible I personally fucked three hijab women, my message is that we should start to think beyond the hijab and these stupid stuff and we should learn how to accept others and love them the way they are not that way they look and again God edit every Muslim and let them convert to anything else and to see how sweet that is,,,,,
And here is something sweet for every Muslim woman:
هذه دعوة لك أختي المسلمة لنزع الحجاب.
دعوة صادقة.
ليست خبيثة.
وهي طاهرة.
لا تسعى إلى تدنيس طرفك.
كما لا تحثك من خلالها على الانحلال.
بل تدعوك إلى إعمال عقلك،
وإلى استخدامه،
فأنت وعقلك، وحدكما تكفيان.
دون حاجة إلى البحث في الكتب والتاريخ.
دون حاجة إلى التنقيب في الدفاتر عن آراء المفسرين.
وأسألك لذلك وأنا أحدثك عدم الخوف مني.
أسألك الاستماع إلي والتمعن في كلماتي دون تشكيك في نواياي.
وأنت فيما بعد حرة.
حرة في قرارك.
حرة في مصيرك.
تفعلين ما تشاءين.
أنتِ أنتِ سيدة نفسك.
لا وصاية لأحد عليك.
لا أحد غيرك.
البسي الحجاب بعد ذلك، أو اخلعيه، سأحترم قرارك مهما كان.
ففي النهاية يجب أن يكون القرار قرارك.
دعيني إذن أهيئ النقاش لدعوتي تلك.
قلتُ في يومية سابقة إن ارتداء الحجاب بدأ فعلياً في العالم الإسلامي مع الثورة الإسلامية الإيرانية، التي فرضت الحجاب فرضاً على النساء بعد أن نجح رجال الدين في قلب المائدة على رأس الطبقة الوسطى والفئات اليسارية، التي دفعت من دمها للتخلص من حكم الشاه محمد رضا بهلوي.
رغم ذلك، لأن تلك الثورة مثلت أول انتفاضة حياة حقيقة في المنطقة فإنها بدت للكثيرين نموذجاً يُحتذى به، هي والزي الذي أصبحت النساء ترتديه هناك (بطبيعة الحال، تجاهلت وسائل الإعلام آنذاك التظاهرات النسائية التي خرجت معارضة لفرض ارتداء الحجاب، لكن تلك قصة أخرى).
زاد على ذلك عامل آخر معروف، أعني الطفرة النفطية التي هيّأت للمملكة العربية السعودية وبعض من شخصياتها الغنية تقديمَ الدعم المالي لنشر ثقافة الدعوة الإسلامية، الوهابية، إضافة إلى تأسيسها لآلة إعلامية ضخمة تؤكد صباح مساء على أن حجاب المرأة ضرورة.
وتلاقحت تقاليد الدعوة الإسلامية تلك مع فكر الأخوان المسلمين، والتفرعات الحزبية العربية والإسلامية التي انبثقت منه، لينتشر في المجتمع فكر جديد، فكر غريب، غير الكثير من السلوكيات وطرق التفكير.
إذن، المهد الذي ولُدت فيه قضية حجاب المرأة سياسي الطابع.
دولتان، تحكم النخبة السياسية فيهما باسم الدين، تسعى كل منها إلى نشر نموذجها والتأكيد في الوقت ذاته على شرعية وجودها، وتفرضُ كل منهما على المرأة لديها ارتداء الحجاب، معتبرة إياه رمزاً لتدينها، شاءت تلك المرأة أم أبت.
شاءت تلك المرأة أم أبت!
وفكرٌ إخواني يهدف أولاً وأخيراً إلى الوصول إلى السلطة السياسية، لكنه لأنه يبرر لفكره من خلال الدين كان لزاماً عليه أن يخرج علينا أيضاً بنموذج لـ "سلوك إسلامي"، يتماشى مع الفكر وينسجم معه، وكان "الزي" جزءاً محورياً منه.
أعود إذن لأقول إن طابع قضية حجاب المرأة سياسي، لا أكثر ولا أقل.
سياسي بحت.
لكن التبرير له، وإقناع المرأة بوجوبه، أخذ ثلاثة أشكال: أولهما وثانيهما إنساني وثالثهما ديني.
الأول يقول إن المرأة عند ارتداءها الحجاب تغطي مفاتنها وتحمي الرجل من الغواية.
والثاني يقول إنها عندما تفعل ذلك إنما تؤسس لمجتمع فاضل.
والثالث يقول إن جوهر تلك الدعوة ديني.
التبرير الأول يفترض أن الرجل العربي حيوان شهواني، رجل يجب تفاديه، فهو لا يستطيع أن يسيطر على غرائزه، والجنس يسيطر على تفكيره، ولذلك لا يمكن الوثوق به بل تجب تغطية عورات المرأة، وهي كثيرات، كي نحميه من الشيطان الذي بداخله.
وهو افتراض مجحف وغير عادل في حق الرجل العربي، الذي عرفناه أخاً وأباً وزوجاً، عرفناه أيضاً إنساناً.
لأنه قادر على التعامل مع المرأة على أنها إنسان، لا بضاعة متعة.
لأنه قادر على ضبط غرائزه رغم وجودها، وإحساسه بها، تماماً كما أن المرأة قادرة على فعل ذلك.
لأني كامرأة أفترض عند التعامل معه أنه إنسان.
إنسان يحترمني.
بنفس النسق، فإن التبرير الأول يتضمن افتراضاً مجحفاً بحق المرأة نفسها، فهو يصورها كوعاء جنسي لا أكثر، عورة، ليست بشراً، ليست كياناً ساميا، أو إنساناً عاقلاً، بل كل ما فيها يثير الغرائز، كلها عورات، صوتها، شعرها، جسدها، كلها عورات تشقلب كيان الرجل.
ويتناسى أن المرأة قادرة بسلوكها، بطريقة تعاملها مع غيرها، أن تفرض احترامها على الرجل وعلى من حولها، ليس بغطاء رأسها أو بعباءتها أو بشرشفها.
بسلوكها هي.
بطريقة تعاملها.
باحترامها لنفسها.
التبرير الثاني في المقابل يفترض أن هناك علاقة ارتباط بين ارتداء الحجاب وقيام المجتمع الفاضل، والمجتمع الفاضل حسب هذا المنطق هو ذلك الذي لا يعرف علاقات حسية بين أفراده خارج نطاق الزواج.
لكنه رغم ذلك افتراض أقل ما يمكن القول عنه إنه خاطئ.
فكل المجتمعات التي فرضت الحجاب فرضاً، وأصرت على الفصل بين الجنسين، ليست في الواقع أقلها ممارسة للعلاقات الجنسية خارج إطار الزواج.
بل على العكس.
نجد أن عملية الفصل القسري أدت في الواقع إلى قيام العلاقات المثلية الجنسية فيها، تماماً كما أن ارتداء الفتيات للحجاب في العديد من المجتمعات العربية والإسلامية لم يمنع بعضهن، كما تشير بعض التحقيقات والدراسات المنشورة، من ممارسة الحب خارج إطار الزواج، و هن في العادة يلجأن بعد ذلك كغيرهن إلى عمليات ترميم البكارة.
أما التبرير الثالث فإنه يفترض أن الدين أخذ موقفاً حاسماً من قضية حجاب المرأة، رغم أن النصوص الدينية المتواجدة تظل فضفاضة في الواقع، وكانت فضفاضة منذ الأزل، وأنتِ قادرة على قراءة النصوص بنفسك، لستِ في حاجة إلى وسيط، وسترين إنها ليست فقط فضفاضة، بل إنها حمالة أوجه.
لكننا قررنا أن نضيق النصوص ونفصلها على مقاس تفسيرات يعود تاريخها إلى القرون الوسطى.
ولو أردتِ الصدق، فإن التبرير الثالث الذي يقول لكِ و لي إن الدين هو الذي يفرض على المرأة الحجاب هو في الواقع أضعف تلك التبريرات، لأننا لم نسمع هذا القول إلا في نهاية السبعينات، ولم نراه واقعاً إلا بعد أن أصبح التفسير الأرثوذكسي للدين الإسلامي هو السائد في العالم العربي والإسلامي.
هذا هو المنطق الذي أؤسس عليه دعوتي لكِ.
أعرضه عليك راجية منك التمعن في كلماتي، وإلى ما أطلبه منك.
أنا لا أدعوك إلى الكف عن صلاتك.
لا أدعوك إلى التوقف عن صيامك.
لا أدعوك إلى الكف عن الإيمان بالله عز وجل.
بل أدعوك إلى نزع حجابك.
فشعركِ كشعري، ليس رمزاً جنسياً أخجل منه.
جسدكِ كجسدي، ليس مسرحاً لتهيؤات شهوانية.
جسدكِ كجسدي، كيان أحترمه وأفخر به.
أنت كأنا، كائن سامي،
أنتِ كأنا، قادرة على أن أكون "فاضلة" في الخلقِ والتعاملِ، دون حجاب يغطيني.
سلوكي هو الحكم، لا قطعة من قماش.
كوني ما شئت سيدتي.
فأنا سأحترم قرارك مهما كان.
لكن في النهاية كوني أنتِ نفسك.
لا عورة.

Posted by: brad at May 31, 2006 9:36:59 PM

Alsalam walekm,
I want to say that u look relly nice in that drass and you look beautiful and pleas wright beack for me at: [email protected] I just want to get some thing back think you
Sincerely Amer Alrawashdeh From U.S.A

Posted by: amir at Jun 6, 2006 12:04:05 AM

I accidently clicked this page. The discussion and comment are very misleading and damaging.

I have very straight forward and small comment about the MAJESTIC Queen. Allah (SWT) has given her beauty, brain and wealth. But instead of striving in the path of Allah (SWT), she is doing completely opposite. She is trying to plaease her WESTERN masters and supporters by doing all wrong things.

May Allah give Hidayat to her.

Posted by: Nafees at Jun 7, 2006 2:46:58 AM

Amir alah yehdek, wala read my comment you are 100% brain washed i think the best thing for you is to go and kill yourself

Posted by: brad at Jun 7, 2006 10:52:44 PM

Any of you who think that wearing a hijab automatically protects a women from the lust of a man is mistaken and deluded. I have seen muslim and nonmuslim men a like sworm like flies to women who wear hijab. The hijab does not protect women from molestation or harassment. Men get turned on by women no matter what she is wearing.If a man chooses to act on that lust in a disrespectful way, than he is a sexual deviant. So this whole argument about Queen Rania dressing sexy, who incidentally is a very respectable woman with a charitable heart, is ludicris. How many of you who put her down for not being muslim enough, contributes as much to humanity and the empowerment of women and the protection of children as she does.

Posted by: asia at Jun 19, 2006 9:22:51 PM

you are really great Queen Rania.
I am your fan.

rr kalia

Posted by: RR KALIA at Jun 24, 2006 1:28:25 AM

Her Majesty Queen Rania, keep on doing what you are doing, Allah All Mighty is with you wherever
you are!You are really great
rr kalia

Posted by: rr kalia at Jun 24, 2006 2:00:06 AM

hey there, accidentally jump here by google,
whoever u r.. i think queen rania is fine, she is doing what she can do based on her situation, maybe what she is doing now is the most exact reactions at this moment so far.
dont be too much judgemental, i believe in his life human keep learning to know -in the end- why he or she is created by God, why he or she is here in this universe, what i m trying to say is dont give up being a good human according to God not according to u, how?? of course by following the rules in religion (cuz religion is somekind of hint or a clue through this life), as long u do it based on it is (Qur'an), not based on ur justification of what u r doing.

it's all depends on the person, depends on each individu, the religion is fine of course, Allah know what best for us.

before i make lots of speech here LOL, the point is people do mistake sometimes just dont make it even worst, cuz devil always around to provoke us till the end of the world.

say it to ur self "what i've done so far?" "am i beeing good today?"

let's try to be a good human, a better human than yesterday at least :D


Posted by: just drop by at Jul 8, 2006 3:07:22 PM

To here Majesty , Queen Rania El 3abdalla ...
lets be real here every one , jordan is living in the 21centery now... our king ad queen present our country . about the hejab , its here chooise to put on or not ... who are we to judge????????????? lets be always around and after our hashimet royal family . queen rania we love you .

Posted by: Tareq Al Qawasmeh at Jul 9, 2006 9:41:46 AM

i accidently found this webpage, im a nonmuslim living in a mostly muslim country


you are beautiful, smart, but most important, you have a BIG HEART. dont hear these stupids that tells you to wear a head cover or whatever, they dont give anything shit to your people, your country, human should not be judged by what they choose to wear, its about HOW THEY TREAT OTHERS..



Posted by: ANTHONY at Jul 11, 2006 4:48:32 AM

The only thing that matters is well intentioned. We can not judge each other on Islam or how much of a muslim this woman is (or is not)- God is the only and ultimate judge.

Posted by: Fiona at Aug 1, 2006 4:00:04 PM


Posted by: COS at Aug 4, 2006 6:52:57 AM

After reading all of you going at eachother, being judgmental to one another, and verbally belittling this soul that has taken on challenges that she doesn't have to; in order to attempt to make this a better world for all of us...I must say that as a member of the human race i am most definately ashamed! If just half of the energy of this conflict that we are choosing to engage in was turned into a supportive direction for Her Majesty and her family,you might be suprised at the outcome. I hope this gives you some pause for thought before continuing on this endless quest of a persons dignity, intelligence, the personal feelings of not only herself as well as her family. What will you do to support her?

Posted by: Jim at Aug 8, 2006 10:06:33 AM

to TAMMY, I think you are the most sick person that I ever heard in this earth.
Your message is based on falses and lies,when i read it ( not Cuz its interesting ,, but becuase it started with lies and thats i cant stand it )
I smiled , yes i did .Not beacuse i was pleased with it,but cuz you won't decieve any muslim by these black words .
ولا أعتقد أنك تعرفى هذه اللغة من الأساس ..
ما أتيت به من حكايات وقصص وما حاولتى أن تقنعى به القارىء بنى على باطل وأكاذيب .وما بنى على باطل فهو باطل . فإذا علم ذلك .. فاعلمى أن لى بالقدر على ان أرد وأضحض وأرى القارىء مدى جهلك وكذبك .. ولكنى بذلك أجعل لك قيمة وأعطيك من الإهتمام ما لا تستحقى .. لذلك أدعكى مع هذا المثل .. الذى يقول .. دع الكلاب تنبح والقافلة تسير وهذا ما هو كائن بإذن الله ..

Posted by: MUSLIM at Aug 24, 2006 6:01:22 AM

Correction ,,
its brad Not tammy
but thats didnt mean you are right and what you typed is ok ,, its wrong too

Posted by: MUSLIM at Aug 24, 2006 6:05:38 AM

كلامك مردود عليك
والظاهر والله أعلم بإنك من أذناب المبشرين الحاقدين على المسلمين
المرءة في الأسلام جوهرة مكنونه غالية الثمن لايحق لأحد أن يراها أو يلمسها الابحق أم المرءة التي تنزع حجابها فهي كالحلوى المكشوفه التى مايلبث الذباب أن يحط عليها فتعافها النفس وتتركها

Posted by: alwanahmed at Aug 29, 2006 6:24:17 AM

dear muslim
"الله يســتر عليهـا"، عبارة معروفة تتردد على ألسنة الناس من المسلمين. يقولها الرجال عند التحدث عن أنثى، أو عند رؤيتها، سواء كانت طفلة رضيعة، أو بنت خمس سنوات، أو شابة أو عجوزاً. والقصد من العبارة هو الدعاء إلى الله أن لا يظهر لها عورة على غريب أو أن لا يمسّها غريب أو أن لا تتسبب في فضيحة لعائلتها بتورطها بعمل يتعارض مع مبادئ الدين أو تقاليد المجتمع.

تقال العبارة بصورة الغائب التي ذكرناها، "الله يستر عليها" أو بصورة المخاطب يوجهها الرجل للمرأة مباشرة بسبب أو بدون سبب، "الله يستر عليكِ"، وتتقبلها المرأة خانعة ذليلة وهي تسمعها من الرجل، ومن النساء من يغضبن لسماعها فما أن يبتعدن عن الرجل حتى يُعبِّرن عن امتعاضهنّ ويكلن له من الشتائم ما يتفق مع طبيعة كل واحدة منهن.

هذه العبارة تقال للأنثى ولا تقال للرجل؛ لأن المرأة في المجتمع الإسلامي هي العورة وليس الرجل. وهي عورة لا تجوز أن تظهر حتى أمام الأعمى كما جاء عن أم سلمة إذ قالت: "‏كنت عند رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏وعنده ‏ ‏ميمونة ‏ ‏فأقبل ‏ ‏ابن أم مكتوم ‏ ‏وذلك بعد أن أُمرنا بالحجاب فقال النبي ‏‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏احتجبا منه، فقلنا يا رسول الله أليس أعمى لا يبصرنا ولا يعرفنا، فقال النبي ‏‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏‏أفعمياوان أنتما ألستما تبصرانه؟..)

أما بالنسبة للرجل، فلا أحد يدعو له بالسترة إذ ليس هناك شيئاً يفعله يستوجب الدعاء بالسترة. الرجل ليس مصدر الفضائح بل نساؤه وبناته وكل إناث عائلته. لذلك إن دعا له أحدهم بالسترة فإنما يدعو بالسترة على "حريمه" وليس على شخصه فكرامته ليست في عرضه هو بل في عرض حريمه: "الله يستر على حريمك.. الله لا يفضح لك حرمة.. الله يستر على بناتك.. الله يستر عورتك.. الله يخلّي لك هالمحروسة ويستر عليها.. وإلى ما هنالك.." الأنثى هي دائماً مصدر الفضيحة والعار وليس الرجل.

ما يحزن له القلب حقاً هو أن نسمع نساء العرب يرددن هذه العبارات كالببغاوات رغم ما فيها من إجحاف بحقهن. فقد تعوّدن الذل إلى درجة أصبحت الحياة بدونه تبدو غريبة عليهن، لا بل نجد منهنّ من يدافعن عنه باعتباره قراراً إلهياً لا يجوز الاعتراض عليه.


كنت ذات مرة أتسوق في سوبر ماركت، فمرّ بقربي رجل عربي ومعه ابنته التي لا تتجاوز السبع سنوات، ومن خلفه امرأة بدت أنها زوجته. كانت درجات الحرارة في الخارج تزيد عن المائة وعشر درجات، ولكن ذلك لم يؤثرّ بشيء على ضرورة التسلّح بفضيلة "السترة"!

كانت الأم "متسـتّرة" بعدة طبقات من الثياب الداكنة من رقبتها إلى قدميها بينما غطت شعرها وقسماً من جبينها بوشاح أبيض أحكمت لفه إحكاماً. وكما كانت الأم، كذلك كانت الطفلة أيضاً "متســتّرة" كل التسـتّر، أما الرجل، فكان يمشي مختالاً برجولته وببنطاله القصير وصنداله المفتوح. وطبعاً لا حاجة له هو إلى "سترة"؟

وقف الثلاثة في قسم الخضار والفواكه ثم جاءت امرأة أميركية ببنطالها القصير ترافقها طفلتان بين الرابعة والخامسة من العمر تلبسان ثياب السباحة. لم يهتم أحد من الناس المتسوقين لمرأى الصغيرتين وأمهما إلا صاحبنا الطاووس الذي كانت يداه مشغولتين باختيار بعض رؤوس البندورة بينما كان ينظر بطرف عينيه إلى الصغيرتين يكاد يلتهمهما التهاماً.. وتمتم أخيراً مخاطباً زوجته التي كانت هي الأخرى تنظر إلى الأم بعين حاسدة وأخرى شبه محتقرة، قال: "الله يستر عليهم!.." وجاء جواب الأم سريعاً بينما كانت ابنتها قد التصقت بمؤخرتها وعيونها تحدق في الصغيرتين: "الله لا يستر عليهم.. شو بدو ربنا يستر ليستر.. وأنت ليش عمتطلّع فيهن؟.."

وتمتمت بدوري وقلت: حين تستتر النفوس لا تعود ترى أجساماً عارية!

and may mohamad who made love with more than 50 girls be with you, by the way i nkow arabic more than you

Posted by: brad at Aug 30, 2006 9:44:47 AM

this is the best website to know the worst religion in thw world(islam)


Posted by: mohamad (sala alah alih wa salam) at Aug 30, 2006 9:47:23 AM

I am a Lebanese girl, and Queen Rania has become my role model....people shouldn't say these things about her....she is an amazing woman who deeply cares for others and takes care of herself as well.I can't believe that some people are saying these things about her.

Posted by: Christina at Aug 30, 2006 11:41:59 AM

I think arab people around the world should learn from HM qween Rania rather than critisizing her.A women(any women) can want to look beautiful,can have sexual disiers ,and a active sexual life and this dosent mean she is a bad women.Arab men must stop being chauvinist and come out of there prijudices and male ego

Posted by: dennis at Sep 5, 2006 3:59:45 AM

Man the queen of Jordan is a major hottie. I bet she is kinky in bed, and has a secret thing for young American boys.

Posted by: Devin at Sep 19, 2006 11:58:52 PM

I dont his this woman is good hearted. I think she is beautiful, pretty, stylish and probably a very good muslim. BUT THE REALLITY is that she shows a wonderful image, always spotless and elegant and luxurious that does NOT correspond well with the proverty and situation of the people of her country. She should try to be elegant, decent and properly dressed as the wife of a king, but everytime she shows up somewhere is like a fashion-show. she should take into account that she comes from a POOR country with LOTS of poor people, so she should show some respect to this.

Posted by: M. at Sep 22, 2006 8:35:57 AM

i am a 14 year old girlfrom south africa and I first saw queen rania on the oprah show...and i must say that i truly admire her,she is beautiful,performs all her salaat and is respectful...whatever evry1 might think of her, i respect your opinions...but i believe we should leave the judging to the ALMIGHTY for he knows best...may peace be upon you all, may the ALMIGHTY shower blessings, faith,knowlege and peace upon you all!

Posted by: romaana at Sep 23, 2006 10:39:54 AM

Some of these comments make me sick. Here is a woman who is trying her best to bring good to the world and people are getting on her about mere cloth...mere clothing. What does it matter? Were we not all born equally naked? What has fashion to do with who you are inside and what you have to offer to the world? If you get "hard" by watching this woman and can't respect her because of that, then you are not worth respect yourself.

You want the Queen to be good? How about turning the mirror to face yourselves sometimes. Alright, so I'm American and this means something different to me than it does to others but I have grown up with muslims, I was basically raised by them and I will tell you this; you have the good and the bad everywhere and women are not treated fairly. In this ever changing world we cannot expect to live as we did thousands of years ago. Queen Rania is doing the best she can and really...what would you do?

Can any of you perverts, and narrow minded individuals out there honestly say that if you were in her position you would do better for the country than her? With all that power, and all that influence and all that money...I'm sorry. Power corrupts and much of humanity is easily corrupted. Look around you, would you really want your neighbor ruling the country?

The truth is...Queen Rania will be remembered in history books, she will be written about, she has a place in history and there will be good in it. Those of you who find only jealousy in your hearts and stifle any form of hope for a better future....you will be remembered as the ignorant if you are remembered at all. She is showing us that there is more to the world than what is inside of our box. What have you done for the world that would save us?

I also think it's quite foolish to claim that Islam is the worst religion. What makes anyones religion better? we are the same, no matter how child like that sounds. Once people begind to look past their own front doors maybe then we can live in harmony where land is no big deal, and clothes are merely clothes and the world is a place to be treasured and not destroyed.

Posted by: Marcella at Sep 28, 2006 9:06:01 PM

I HATE QUEEN RANIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: MEAN SPIRITS at Oct 1, 2006 1:25:46 PM

Islam is a religion of peace that gives full rights to muslim women. I am a muslim, living in Canada and am proud to be so. Life is not perfect, neither are people. The only way to make this world any better is by learning in an unbiased fashion about other religions. Learn about Islam, from the Quran, and you will understand the true nature of the religion. Taking random quotes or making things up doesn't prove anything, except how insecure you are that something else might be right. As for Judeo-Christian values.... Islam has one God (the same one as you, Allah is just an arabic word for god, just like 'Dieu' in french), the same 10 commandments, and muslims believe in Jesus (peace be upon him). Treat all people with respect, and do not judge them for the decisions they make. Queen Rania is a person just like anyone else, no one knows what is in her heart or head except for her and God. Being bitter, and spitting venom and hate propoganda only makes the world a worse place. Muslims understand what they believe, better then people who tell them what they believe. So just because you talk trash about muslims, doesn't mean that any honest, god loving muslim is going to believe it. Islam is not the fastest growing religion because it is based on lies, only truth and fact.

I am against sexism, racism, and all discrimination. Hate is not the answer. Nor is violence. Communication and open minds are the only way to peace and understanding.

Love to all of my fellow human brothers and sisters. That's right, ALL.

Posted by: Rania at Oct 28, 2006 10:06:23 PM

some of u people made me sick, no one ever has the right to judge anyone because of what he beleifs, (lakom dinokom walia dini).

nuns wear hijab! mary (jesus mum) wears hijab!
go check all her pictures and tell me if u find anything not covered in her body!

do u think that if mary lived in this age then she'll wear anything uncovered!!!!!!!!

do not judje islam, u take the hijab thing and started building on it as if hijab is islam, well islam is a way of living, islam is faith, do not judge islam by the act of muslim peoples nowadays, read about it, read about our prophit!

islam do not give the man the right to make women cover themselves and he to go play as he wants, true muslims, are pure, honest, fair and kind , but many muslims nowdays are just away from the heart of islam.

if a christian man feels jeleaus for his woman, and beats her and commits crimes, does that make all christians that bad!
no! me as a muslem respects all religions, cause this what islam ask!
me as a muslim do my best to please my parents and give thm all my love and attention, even if they treat me wrong, cause islam told me to treat them well.
me as a muslim do not cheat, do not steal, do not lie, do not surrender to the evil that is inside anyone of us, i fight as hard as i can, it is true that sometimes all do wrong things, but the islam voice inside me keeps pushing me towards good.
me as a muslim must help the poor, the orphans, the sick.
me as muslim should help them with cash, food and love!
me as a muslim must obay god whatever he tolds me, we have the (holy quran) to tell us what gods wants us to do, and also what our prophet muhammad (sa3ws)
please read and learn from the quran itself and from books containg quotes from our prophets, do not judge islam by the muslims nowadays, cause many of them are away from religion, as many of u christians!

Posted by: sona at Nov 27, 2006 2:08:29 AM

Am arab amercian and I was born and livied in jordan and I should say I'm so proud of her and her personality , I wish arab world will constrate on being better communities than judging them selves
I wonder if she is a man will she get that much critsices
good luck to her and I wish I could meet her one day

Posted by: manar amireh at Dec 4, 2006 8:46:01 PM

i think she dresses very well and shes so pretty. Bottom line she wears from Elie Saab collection just like many international celebrity such as sharon stone, halley barry, thaly boustros,madonna, adriana carambeu

Posted by: amira at Dec 7, 2006 8:01:37 AM

queen rania is one of the most beautiful and gracious ladies in the world....and like every woman looks gorgeous and elegant when she dresses up....so unbirdled beauty!!!

Posted by: rahul at Dec 16, 2006 11:08:02 AM

After having read all these comments, I'm disgusted by the lack of knowledge in both the eastern and western side of things. If Queen Rania wants to dress that way, then she should be allowed to, women should not be forced to wear the hijab. One day, Rania may or may not realize he true meaning of the Hijab , but thats all up to her. And as for Islam, and those who are too busy critizing the Queen, and how she SHOULD wear the hijab; does it not also say that we should not judge others. Doesn't this mean you are "sinning" just as much as she is. According to what most of you have written, i just want to say..May Allah swat, give us the strength to help one another rather than judge each other. Queen Rania, is doing just that, shes helped the ppl see that muslims are not all bad. I'm ashamed to hear what most ppl said on this forum. Queen Rania will get her rewards for doing good and she will get punished if she has done anything bad. Leave it up to ALLAH. WE should not Judge, leave that upto Allah (swat)

Posted by: Leila at Jan 15, 2007 9:41:33 AM

I think i know its okay to be muslim its ok to be christian or any religion it is your choise and you shouldnt judge people for religion im muslim its ok !!!!

Posted by: dana at Feb 3, 2007 8:14:20 AM

Wearing hejab is a sign of respect for Allah. Same as wearing your wedding rings. The marriage of man and wife (BTW) is the only contract that has ever been blessed by Allah (The Almighty God). People in high positions should set examples for their societies. A Queen (IMO) in an Islamic Society should set some examples of how modest women should appear in a modest culture. Hejab can be very fashionable and still send messages of modesty and respect for any religion.

My request to Queen Rania (in a Most Respectable Manner): set good examples for your brothers and sisters and you will be loved by all.

Russ Creswell
Kabul, Afghanistan

Posted by: kosovojoe at Feb 10, 2007 4:52:11 AM

Beautiful woman. But I'm afraid that with what she is doing, maybe Jordan will be a republic soon? Just a comment anyway and not necessarily endorsement? Speaking of states, I'm not sure if the Muslim world war so obsessed on criticizing each others' practice of Islam rather than seeing the similarities. I found this one site online: http://www.notoworldwar3.com. But I'm surprised at the cost of the pixel ads: $100! Does promoting peace means you will be obligated to buy pixels??? Queen Rania can be a model for all of the Muslim women, but in some circumstances seems like she's moving too far beyond the border?

Posted by: Hakan at Feb 21, 2007 4:18:46 AM

I believe that as a Muslim woman, as well as a leader, HM Queen Rania has contributed greatly towards the arab world and making the west aware of our open mindedness, etc. As an arab woman, I can honestly say that I admire her work and all of her contributions.

PS: To Mohammad (whoever the hell you are), I am a friend of Manar al tawil and I know her and her family very well. Whenever Queen Rania's name is mentioned, Manar is always the first one to tell us about her and how she admires her so much. So, I can assure you that she wasn't the one that wrote that and I don't know who did. Also, how can you say about her Father m3a2ad and her mother m7ajabeh (as if thats a bad thing)!?? As I said before, I know her family very well (including her father) and he is not m3a2ad...it seems like you are the one with the problem, perhaps jealousy.

Feel free to apologize

Posted by: Girly_Girl 87 at Mar 24, 2007 6:27:50 AM

I am shocked to hear so many people voice their opinions and thoughts like this. Whether you admire Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah for her efforts to making Jordan a better place or not...NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO CRITICIZE HER or any other human being like what everyone has been saying above. I pray to Allah sub7anihi wa Ta3ala that Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah hasn't seen what has been said about her because that destroys the purpose of her extraordinary efforts since she has become Queen of our beloved Jordan.

I cannot stress how strongly I feel about the humiliating and degrading things that were said over here. As for everyone that said something unpleasant about her majesty, I hope you are ashamed. I do not have the right to judge anyone on here so I will stop because that is what Allah sub7anihi wa Ta3ala will do yom il mee3ad. Most of the people that wrote stuff are probably in their 20's or 30's and yet you managed to write something so childish and stupid and to get involved in something that is none of your business. I am a 16 year old Jordanian and I am the one trying to make corrections? This is very awkward and humiliating.

Because of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, Jordan is now on the road to becoming more than just 'some third world country'. As for our beloved King, His Majesty Abdullah II...his speech two weeks ago has made the entire world aware of the competence of our country and how we strive for peace and not terrorism. Every Citizen of this country was and still is very proud. That is what Queen Rania is doing aswell. She is not going out to various countries in the world: informing about Jordan, helping the poor and needy, and doing gracious things so that she can become westernized...but all of that is for the good of our Jordan.

You know when you are filling in a form online and when it asks for Country, you search for Jordan in the "J" column but you only find Japan and Jamaica? That is what our King and Queen are trying to abolish. Their open mindedness and forward going attitude towards the world is what got us this far and we should be doing all of what is in our capacity to keep doing what they are doing, not criticise Her Majesty's clothing or actions. That is none of your business now, and it will never be. Not because she is the Queen, but because you have no right in criticizing her or any other human being. Is that what freedom of speech has done? Has it turned us all into critical and judgemental right-abusers?

Whoever this site is for, or whoever is in-charge of this forum, please close down this discussion regarding her majesty queen rania al abdullah and delete all comments made. I made sure to put my correct e-mail address in order to get people's opinions regarding the matter.

Posted by: Fellow Jordanian at Mar 24, 2007 7:20:27 AM

Definitely agree with fellow Jordanian...the things that were said on here are intolerable

Posted by: 3eeeessslk at Mar 27, 2007 4:58:28 AM

dear majesty:
I am very happy that jordan have queen like you , i just wnt an interviow with you, please majesty make my dream becom real by meeting you.

Posted by: Mohammad alrwashdeh at Jun 7, 2007 12:50:28 AM

I bit that all the people who said that they love Rania and stupidly said that no one has the right to criticize her all or at least most of them are palastinians ......look people Jordan has to be ruled by Jordanianes because its Jordan.....if you consider youself jordanian like us dont admire her just because she is one of you ok ! Am absolutely sure that if she was from jordanian origines you will criticize her and say bad things about her Then a stupid Jordanian will come and say hey palastinaines you dont have the right to criticize rania!!!!!!!!!!for the stupid western people who dont know who is Rania And who is Abdullah they are the most corrupted poeple in the history of Jordan ......and Qeen Ranian had pushed him to this corruption he did many things wrong since he ascended to the throne he didnt know how to speak arabic she used to translate to him and she pushed him to many wrong things and now he is a puppet inside and outside Jordan and this stupid man doesnt know that most Palastinians and Jordanianes I know in Jordan like his father more that him .......This corrupted Qeen is interfiering in the king role as the head of the state of Jordan while she always saying that she is palastinian she had no respect to Jordan and Jordanians she is making disunity in Jordan where Palastinians account from 45-65% no one knows the real percentage but most of them got the Jordanian citizinshipe so they should respect Jordan and its People ....but if their Queen dont what we can say about them!!!

Posted by: Sereena at Aug 13, 2007 10:44:54 AM

Komme aus Regensburg und suche nette Leute aus Bayern mit denen ich mal was unternehmen kann.
Wenn Du Lust auf ein Kennenlernen hast,meld dich!Nicole ([email protected])

Posted by: Nicole at May 13, 2008 1:43:17 PM

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Posted by: alifisigh at Aug 8, 2008 3:23:33 AM