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February 09, 2004
Lebowski Links on Grow-a-brain
"You're entering a world of pain" - "The Big Lebowski" Random Quote Generator
"Dude, Where's My Rug?" The Four word Film review
Lebowski Fest is a celebration of all things Lebowski. It includes: Free Bowling and Shoe Rental, Celebrity Appearances, White Russians, Sarsaparillas, and Oat Sodas. Nixon Bowling Poster from same. 49 photos from the Second Annual Lebowski Fest
"....A way out west there was this fella, fella I want to tell you about, fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski… " The script . Snippets & … clips: The obligatory soundboards
"He hung up, man..." - 10 Coolest things about "The Big Lebowski"
"You can imagine where it goes from here..." - Logjammin's Image Archive
The Making of a Coen Brothers Film. You can read Chapter 1--The Idea: The Homework in a Baggie…
"Which Big Lebowski Character Are You?"
“He's our little Lebowski urban achiver and proud we are of all of him”. Relevant Links from the ”Little Lebowski Urban Achievers” . See their achievements
aim icons from “Sometimes there’s a man”
The Comprehensive Big Lebowski Collection Here
February 9, 2004 in Cinema - "The Big Lebowski" | Permalink
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In a post last week, I noted that at a midnight screening of the horror film, "Shaun of the Dead", the director Edgar Wright - and two stars of the horror film (Sean Pegg and Lucy Davis) - showed up at the Regency Theatre to the delight of fans.
At that time, I noted off-the-cuff - "The Big Lebowski" - would screen at the "Insomniac Cinema" the following week.
What a turn out there was for the cult classic!
Frankly, I don't recall encountering such a boisterous, rambunctious crowd of filmgoers descending on a movie house in recent days - not at the witching hour, at least!
"The Big Lebowski" topped the "Rocky Horror Show" for all-out enthusiasm, in my estimation.
In fact, at one point, the over-anxious crowd of young hipsters stormed the Theatre.
Yeah, when the usher's back was turned - off refilling the popcorn machine, I guess - the gang of merry pranksters surged forward in a bold-faced effort to snap up the best seats in the house.
What rollicking fun, in spite of the fact I was nearly trampled in the long, cramped hallway to Theatre No. 2.
Of course, "The Big Lebowski", is a Coen Brothers offering...
The hilarious comedy is an off-beat tale about a laid back, down-and-out guy, who goes by the moniker, "Dude"
His pals are a motley crew keen on bowling - so much so - they're in a bona fide rag-tag league.
Occasionally, the dudes toke on a doobie - hang-out at the local burger joint - well, nothing special - see?
Due to a case of mistaken identity, the Dudereno (Jeff Bridges) gets mixed up in an intriguing scenario with a millionaire's wife, a subsequent kidnapping, and a gang of wacko characters who spill out of the woodwork and pound on him without warning.
Actually, there's a posse of zany characters in this movie - a gang of loser nihilists, a high-brow conceptual artist and her hired hands, and some white-trash thugs a little slow on the uptake - you get the drift, eh?
The one-liners are real zingers; in fact, the best COEN gems to come down the pike in a long time.
In fact, they're so choice, and so memorable...that filmgoers - who've obviously caught an infectious bug of some kind which compels them to return to each screening - scream out the dialogue amid a raucous round of wild guffaws from a very stoned crowd of theatre-goers in the room - oops!
Did I say that?
Well, just tryin' to set the stage...
Yeah, there appears to be a cult following for Lebowski.
"The Big Lebowski" has spawned a book with a forward by Jeff Bridges, for instance.
The tome is complete with trivia, interviews with fellow achievers (Patton Oswalt, Tony Hawk, Powerpuff Girls creator Craig McCracken), tips on Dude-ifying your life, a Little Larry flipbook, a guide to the film's locations, Lebowski Fest Highlights, and a lot of what-have-you.
And, in the wings each year, there's usually a "Big Lebowski" Film Festival.
Check out the dudes below in Louisville, KY, at their annual event...dudelicious!
As I sat there in the theatre, I pondered...why hasn't there been a sequel?
At the end of the film, when the mysterious cowboy notes there is a little Lebowski in the oven, it hits me like a bolt of lightning.
How about a sequel featuring the "young dude"?
What with the dude's genes - and all - the youngster undoubtedly has the smarts to be a computer geek; or even the potential for the precise maneuverings essential to a hip-hop artist, I hanker.
For continuity's sake, the dudester could be transplanted to a commune in Northern California, where he cultivates Medical Marijuana, or something topical like that.
There are endless, ingenious scenarios...
Are the COEN brothers up to it?
With the writers' strike underway, some out-of-work script-writer may just be pining away for the opportunity to take the project on.
Heck, I just may throw a script together myself!
After all, midnight shows and Film Fests appeal to me.
And, I love muscle cars and bowlin' on Friday Nights.
Later, Dude!
Posted by: Julian Ayrs at Nov 5, 2007 7:18:35 PM