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February 06, 2004
The 2003 Hitchcock link collection from the old "Grow-a-Brain"
Hitchcock Cigar Box (From Hollywood: Manuscripts and Memorabilia by way of "Caterina")
Advertising Hitchcock (Tripod - sorry) - 8/16/03
Bernard Herrmann - from "Citizen Kane" To "Taxi Driver"
Edit your own version of "Psycho" Shower Scene
Giant Hitchcock Head Facing Hollywood
Hitchcock's cameos , all of them! (From Eliot Gelwan's "Follow Me Here" - 11/11/03)
Hitchcock's Look-alike . (From "Incoming Signals" - 11/25/03)
Hitchcock Reviews (From "Images")
17 Mosaics of scenes from Hitchcock's films
"Senses of Cinema" Hitchcock articles - 1/11/04
The Master's Fetishes (From "Quiddity") - 12/ 14/03
Wit & Wisdom from "Master of Suspense"
More Unusual Hitchcock and Unusual Chaplin Moments Here
February 6, 2004 in Cinema - Hitchcock | Permalink
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