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January 31, 2004
Grow-a-Brain 2003 Links about the Holocaust
11 year old boy's Awareness Project - 8/3/03
Adolf Hitler Original Watercolors (From "Incoming Signals" ) - 9/9/03
Alan Jacobs's 'Brave new World' and 'Then and Now' (From "Remember" ) - 8/3/03
Anne Frank's unfinished stories (From "Ultimate Insult")
Atomic Bomb - Decision (From "The Ethical Spectacle") - 8/3/03
Buchenwald Today (From "Third Reich in Ruins" ) - 10/15/03
Cutlery - 8/3/03
David Irving, "Revisionist" Historian and his website (From "Nizkor" ) - 8/3/03
Forgotten Holocaust - How Could 5,000,000 Be Killed and Forgotten?
"Garden, ashes" by Danilo Kis - 10/19/03
Human rights treaties - 8/3/03
Leave None to Tell the Story - "Human Rights Watch" report on the Genocide in Rwanda
Images from the battle of Stalingrad 1942-43 (in German)
Life in Shadows about hidden children - 1/15/04
Music of the Holocaust - Songs from the camps
Nazi Loot in Salt Mines (From "Things Magazine" )
Reading the painful story of daily struggles with raids, humiliation & fear, I was trying to recall who does Riverbend's Iraqi diary reminds me. Suddenly, I knew: Another young woman hiding in a closet, waiting to die , Anne Frank. What a terrible analogy... - 9/20/03
Schindler's actual List - 8/25/03
Spielberg' Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation
Stamps about the Holocaust (From "Sugar-n-spicy" )
Testimonies from the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies - 8/23/03
There's a lot of information about Adolf Hitler . Here are his artworks and Religious Views . The psychology and development of Adolph Hitler Schicklgruber - 11/17/03
"The Wave" , about a classroom experiment in 1967-Palo Alto that tried to explain how young Germans fell under the spell of Adolf Hitler in the 30's, and how it went terribly wrong. A true story. (From "Consumptive" ) - 8/4/03
Views from the Japanese American Internment camps
Many More Unusual Links about the Holocaust Here
January 31, 2004 in The Holocaust | Permalink
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u r a fucken red shit, u can only talk about what 3rd reich did bad, but u don ' t talk about what it really did.It made europeans ' conditions improved.It tried also to resolve the Jew 's problem .This is a real problem, still today.Jews control the moneys, and they r only fucken pieces of shit, fucken religion, God's killer.Jews are the real problem of this fucken world, they are qhit their fucken money (which finance abort and other bad things
Posted by: trueman at Dec 16, 2008 5:39:41 AM