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January 31, 2004
Here are the 2003 Grow-a-Brain Magic links
Adrian Fisher's Mazes - 12/21/03
Andrew Goldenhersh's Golden Hands
Ben Franklin's Magic Square (From "All Magic")
Cologenics - probably, the most amazing mood analysis test you've ever tried
David Blaine, Magic Man (and Lego David Blain in a Box Watch - 10/25/03)
Harry's Magic , A true story about what one Jewish kid learned from the teenage wizard
Lynx is the world's most glamorous magician - 11/18/03
Magic Fire Circle, a group of spiritual seekers and cultural creatives who gather around fires with drumming, dancing and chanting, in upstate New York - 8/8/03
Magic at War (From "Apothecary's Drawer")
Magic Castle, private clubhouse for the Academy of Magical Arts
Magic Eye was all the rage a few years ago. Now you can give your corporate client subliminal messages of Virtual Value - 7/14/03
Magic Gallery, Vintage posters 1890-1930
Magic Galore, magic store in Westminster, CA
Magic tricks by Luke Burrage
Ricky Jay, a sleight-of-hand artist and his 52 weapons
Seemen is an experimental fireshow. See their Flaming Halo Lie-Detector... Be very afraid... - 11/29/03
The Collected Wisdom of MagicTalk, forum for magicians - 11/25/03
There are many mind readers like these on the internet. Here are Card Tricks galore
The wedding photos of Uri Geller
"Tornado of Fire" from David Copperfield
What monthly magazine do magicians read ?
Got Eclectic Magic Links? Please submit them here!
January 31, 2004 in Magic | Permalink
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» Cigarettes filters and RJR from Cigarette Filter Papers
the New Siege at RJR Nabisco.
CEO F. Ross Johnson walked away with $56 million. In 1991 he teamed with conglomerateur Da- vid Mahoney and a partner to pay $6 million for 38% of Bionaire, a La- chine, Quebec, maker of machines to filter smoke--that's r... [Read More]
Tracked on Sep 17, 2005 12:52:53 AM
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The Mentalizer Show is not for everyone - performed in such an ingenious, eccentric manner - it will never fade from your memory.
Posted by: Mentalist Mindreader Ehud Segev The Mentalizer at May 8, 2004 8:07:44 PM
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merci ,
emil adamo
Posted by: emil adamo at Nov 20, 2005 8:08:37 AM
Thats a great free card trick site you should put this in your page. i'm on it for 2 days straight... :) http://www.learncards.net
Posted by: Ethan at Aug 17, 2007 10:04:24 PM