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January 31, 2004
Here is the 2003 Grow-a-Brain Iowa Collection
Aboard The Underground Railroad , the organized effort to assist slaves to escape - 12/16/03
Amana Heritage Society (From "Plep") - 10/26/03
Artist Stan Herd creates large artworks on the ground that can be best viewed & appreciated from above. Here is a four acre landscape design near a Cedar Rapids airport runway . (From "Dublog") - 12/13/03
Brian brought some homemade Antique Fishing Lures with him from his trip home. We didn't think that there might be some websites for such. There are many! - 11/9/03
Dairycam from Iowa (By way of "Sciatica" )
"Field Of Dreams" in Dyersville. Other films shot in Iowa
Futures at the Iowa Electronic Markets
Grant Wood's World and "American Gothic" Parodies
Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa
Heavy Malt Liquor drinking in Iowa City - How to get good & drunk
"Ice Cream Capital of the World" - one of the hundreds of towns that have some unique "Claims to fame" - 11/11/03
Local Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation
On A Rock In Rural Iowa (Thanks, Brian!) - 10/31/03
Our friends come from Armstrong, Iowa Population 979, where "Rush hour only lasts 15 minutes & there are Fresh mosquitoes every year".... - 7/12/03
Panoramic maps of Iowa, 1847-1929 - 1/10/04
Pork Queen 2004 and 2003- 2/3/04
Square dancing tractors (slow to load, worth the wait).
Square Dance Patter Sayings are rhymes or jingles said by callers while dancers are executing a long call such as Promenade Home. Things like: "All jump up and never come down, Swing Your pretty girl round and round"
Steam Tunnels at Iowa State (From "Plep" )
Student bondage club makes comeback at ISU
The Farm - 12/26/03
The flag of The Iowa of Oklahoma and The Bead Code of the Zulus (From "Symbolism of Color": Using Color for Meaning) - 12/24/03
Trappist Caskets from the New Melleray Abbey in Peosta - 10/25/03
Test Your Knowledge of Iowa Small Towns
Tasty Insect Recipes from Iowa State University
Welcome to Hardin County - 12/16/03
Welcome to the Iowa State Fair
Got interesting Iowa Links? Please submit them here!
January 31, 2004 in Traveling Places - Iowa | Permalink
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