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January 31, 2004
Here are the 2003 “Grow-a-Brain” Death & Eternity Links.
America's Death Row Inmates and Final Meal request - from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
A to Z Key of Common Gravestone Symbols and The Association for Gravestone Studies (Both from "Quiddity") - 10/28/03
Autopsy Report , the Blog (From "Poor Cleo") - 7/17/03
Beautiful camera work of photographer Jonathan Clark describing the English Streatham Cemetery (From "Geisha Asobi" , please turn up your speakers) - 9/6/03
Buddhist Reflections on Death and Dying (From "Death And Dementia") - 7/14/03
Celebrities Who Died in Airplane Crashes - 7/12/03
Celebrity Morgue - 8/6/03
City of Shadows, A Virtual Tour of Highgate Cemetery (From "Follow Me Here")
Cliches about Death & Finality
Coffins - 1/22/04
Cool Ways To Kill Yourself (from Spike Magazine)
Cryonics - Alcor Life Extension
Dead or Alive? and Famous Deaths - Week in Review. Also, "Life in Legacy"
Death Becomes you - A controversial site about the Funeral Industry and the process of Embalming - (Banned from Ebay)
Death Clock, a friendly reminder that life is slipping away
Bruce Lee Death mask
Death masks: Filipinos Burial Coffins & gold sheets Death Mask, Index of skulls , Mahogany Death Mask , Movie Monsters & Death Mask , Thanatos gallery of Death Masks , The Kinsbury Run Murders, the most infamous murder case in Cleveland history, Ludwig van Beethoven's death-mask stamp and Nistal Prem de Boer is available to make death masks... - 10/30/03
"Death of A Salesman" by Arthur Miller
Death Penalty - pros and cons (from "The Ethical Spectacle") - 8/3/03
Death - The last Taboo
Death Valley National Park (See a panoramic view of the valley)
Dia De La Muertos - Day of the Dead
Eternal Reefs - 7/16/03
Euphemisms for Death and Dying and Top 13 Euthanasia Research
Execution Tapes from Jackson, Georgia - 8/16/03
Famous Funerals (From "Cup of Chicha") - 10/5/03
Fatal Facts , illustrated with cartoons
"Flight From Death" , a film narrated by Gabriel Byrne (Thank you, Toni) - 7/14/03
Glow-in-the-dark gravestones - 10/23/03
Grim Rides Funeral Car Club - 8/6/03
Hacked Gravestones . More - 12/26/03
Hans Holbein's Alphabet of Death, (From "Cup of Chicha") - 7/16/03
"Harv was there" tombstone - 10/9/03
How does one cope with the death of your spouse to whom you have been happily married for 67 years - 11/7/03
How I Sent My Father to Heaven Proceedings of Hindu Death Ritual - 12/13/03
How to obtain a copy of Death Certificate
"If you are thinking about suicide... Read this first" (From Mental Help Net)
JFK Autopsy Photos and Xrays "For research purposes only". Warning: Autopsy photos & Xray - Do not click if offended! (From "Weird Links") . Also, Every frame of the Zapruder film - 11/23/03
Last Act Links from "Give Get Take Have": Suicide Note , Devoted to the neglected art of suicide , Sleeping Beauty , The International Survivalist Society and New Orleans Cemeteries . Many more there - 11/30/03
Luxury To Die For (from "MetaFilter")
Memorial Art , Ashes to ashes.... (From "Catch") - 7/12/03
Motorcycle sidecar hearses (From "Bifurcated Rivets")
National Obituaries Archives . Here is Alexander Graham Bell's obituary
Near-Death Experiences & the afterlife and "The International Association for Near-Death Studies"
Only in Israel, Mobile phone grave (From "Geisha Asobi") - 8/31/03
People trying to kill themselves
Portals to Eternity, The Necropolis at Terenouthis
Portuguese Symbols of Freemasonry in the Cemetery of Pleasures and a Holy Ghost Bank - 12/30/03
Real Tombstone Epitaphs - "The children of Israel wanted bread, And the Lord sent them manna. Old clerk Wallace wanted a wife, And the Devil sent him Anna"... - 11/20/03
Rivet's Virtual Memorial Garden - 9/05/03
Rock stars and how they died - "The fear of the Lord prolongeth days - but the years of the wicked shall be shortened" ... 7/13/03
So you're dead. Now what? Things That Can Happen To Your Body After You're Gone - 12/1/03
Searchable Death Indexes for the USA
Short Glossary of Death (From "Sickness & Death in the Old south")
"Stiff", The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers - Haven't read it yet, sounds interesting
Stones of Faith - Pennsylvania Germans & their Gravestones, (From "Ultimate Insult") - 11/21/03
"Sylvia Plath Stuck Her Head in an Oven . . ." & Other Disturbing Deaths in the Literary World
The Arlington National Cemetery
The Dance of Death painting in St. Mary's Church in Lübeck and other Danish Dances of Death
The Darwin Awards - For those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it
The Seventh Seal , a film about God, death & the Crusades
Tombstone Epitaphs and This scary Swiss grave site from The Tombstone Traveller's Guide
Tombstone Hearse Co for bikers looking to provide a motorcycle funeral procession for their dearly departed... (From "Pushin Daisies") , your one line death shop.. - 12/29/03
Virtual Autopsy and Autopsy for Children
What Are the Odds of Dying? - 12/13/03
Many More Unusual Links About Death and Eternity and about Unusual Coffins & Caskets Here
January 31, 2004 in Death & Eternity | Permalink
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Handcarved headstones are no doubt the best choice available, all in various types of stone the hand carving adds a certain personal element to the memorial/monument. Personally stonework created using only machines doesnt have the same level of creativlty in my opinion.
Posted by: headstones at Jun 27, 2008 1:52:05 PM